Arjen Markus (21 october 2004) I was facing the problem of having to read a file with a lot of floating-point data. The file contained a large set of timeseries (organised as data per time) and I needed to determine the average of each timeseries. So, in a similar fashion as
Numerical array operations, I thought it should be possible to do this in a "generic" way:
Loop over all the records of the file:
Sum the data per time
Divide all the sums by the number of times
Now, in
Playing APL RS showed how to do this with (in principle) a sequence or array of arbitrary dimensions (in his case: using newlines to separate the levels). I wanted a bit more flexibility and performance though.
Here is my experiment:
- The sequences are implemented as nested lists
- If a list contains only one element, this is the end of the recursion
- To avoid lots of very similar code, I use a template to generate specific procedures
Missing from this:
- Unary operations
- Typical operations from linear algebra, such as matrix multiplication
For instance:
- {1 2 3 4 5 6} is a one-dimensional sequence (a one-dimensional array in C/Fortran)
- { {1 2} {3 4} {5 6}} is a two-dimensional sequence
- { { {1 2} {3 4} } { {5 6} {7 8} } is a three-dimensional sequence
- and so on
The binary operations just combine the individual elements:
{1 2 3 4 5 6} + {1 2 3 4 5 6} ==> {2 4 6 8 10 12}
# arrayop.tcl --
# Element-wise array operations (arrays are implemented as
# lists or lists of lists, to any depth needed)
# Note:
# Because the various operations require very similar code
# to handle arbitrary dimensions, I use a template to generate
# the actual code "on the fly"
namespace eval ::Arrays {
# Create the namespace
set CODE {
# Lscalar_<op> --
# Perform a binary operation on a scalar and an array
# Arguments:
# op1 Scalar in question
# op2 Array (nested list)
# Result:
# Array with updated values
proc ::Arrays::Lscalar_<op> {op1 op2} {
set v $op1
if { [llength [lindex $op2 0]] <= 1 } {
set result {}
foreach w $op2 {
lappend result [<expr>]
} else {
set result {}
foreach w $op2 {
lappend result [Lscalar_<op> $v $w]
return $result
# Rscalar_<op> --
# Perform a binary operation on an array and a scalar
# Arguments:
# op1 Array (nested list)
# op2 Scalar in question
# Result:
# Array with updated values
proc ::Arrays::Rscalar_<op> {op1 op2} {
set w $op2
if { [llength [lindex $op1 0]] <= 1 } {
set result {}
foreach v $op1 {
lappend result [<expr>]
} else {
set result {}
foreach v $op1 {
lappend result [Rscalar_<op> $v $w]
return $result
# Array_<op> --
# Perform a binary operation on two arrays
# Arguments:
# op1 First array (nested list)
# op2 Second array (nested list)
# Result:
# Array with updated values
proc ::Arrays::Array_<op> {op1 op2} {
if { [llength [lindex $op1 0]] <= 1 } {
set result {}
foreach v $op1 w $op2 {
lappend result [<expr>]
} else {
set result {}
foreach v $op1 w $op2 {
lappend result [Array_<op> $v $w]
return $result
# <op> --
# Perform a binary operation on two arrays or scalars
# Arguments:
# op1 First array (nested list) or scalar
# op2 Second array (nested list) or scalar
# Result:
# Array with updated values
proc ::Arrays::<op> {op1 op2} {
if { [llength $op1] <= 1 } {
return [::Arrays::Lscalar_<op> $op1 $op2]
if { [llength $op2] <= 1 } {
return [::Arrays::Rscalar_<op> $op1 $op2]
} else {
return [::Arrays::Array_<op> $op1 $op2]
# End of template
# add, sub, mult, div, max, min --
# Binary operations on arrays
eval [string map {<op> add <expr> "expr {$v+$w}"} $CODE]
eval [string map {<op> sub <expr> "expr {$v-$w}"} $CODE]
eval [string map {<op> mult <expr> "expr {$v*$w}"} $CODE]
eval [string map {<op> div <expr> "expr {$v/$w}"} $CODE]
eval [string map {<op> max <expr> "expr {$v>$w?$v:$w}"} $CODE]
eval [string map {<op> min <expr> "expr {$v<$w?$v:$w}"} $CODE]
} ;# End of namespace
# mkArray --
# Make an array with a uniform value
# Arguments:
# ndim "Toplevel" dimension
# args Inferior dimensions and the value to be assigned
# Result:
# Array with updated values
proc ::Arrays::mkArray {ndim args} {
puts "mkArray: $ndim -- $args"
if { [llength $args] < 1 } {
error "At least two arguments required - dimension and value"
if { [llength $args] == 1 } {
set v [lindex $args 0]
} else {
set v [eval mkArray $args]
set result {}
set i $ndim
while { $i > 0 } {
lappend result $v
incr i -1
return $result
# test --
# Test the array construction
console show
puts "2x3 array of 1's: [::Arrays::mkArray 2 3 1]"
puts "5x3x2 array of x's: [::Arrays::mkArray 5 3 2 x]"
set array1 { {1 2 3} {4 5 6} }
set array2 { {6 5 4} {3 2 1} }
set array3 { { {6 5 4} {3 2 1} } { {6 5 4} {3 2 1} } }
set array4 { { {1 2 3} {4 5 6} } { {1 2 3} {4 5 6} } }
puts "Sum: $array1+$array2 ="
puts " [::Arrays::add $array1 $array2]"
puts "Sum: $array3+$array4 ="
puts " [::Arrays::add $array3 $array4]"
puts "Min: min($array3,$array4) ="
puts " [::Arrays::min $array3 $array4]"
puts "Min: min($array3,4) ="
puts " [::Arrays::min $array3 4]"