########################################## # # snitscrollwindow.tcl # # Package to provide a wrapper around any scrollable widget # i.e. - text, listbox, canvas # # The scrollbars should have all of the proper bindings # The scrollbars will auto hide/appear as needed # # Options: # -windowtype -- defaults to canvas, but can be any scrollable widget # -scalewidget -- boolean option, if set to true scale widgets will be used in # place of the scrollbars # these options can only be set at creation time # -- all other options are passed to the internal widget itself # -- scrollbar options can be configured using the xscroll/yscroll methods # # Methods: # xscroll -- calling xscroll will cause all remaining args to be sent to the x-scrollbar # example $win xscroll configure -width 12 # -- all of the usual default snit methods configure, cget, etc # # Results: # calling snit::widget with the path of an empty container widget will provide a -windowtype with # scrollbars that appear and disappear as needed, and that have all of the correct bindings package provide snitScrollWindow 0.2 package require Tk package require snit snit::widget snitScrollWindow { # since this option is configured in the constructor, it should not be set to read-only ! option -windowtype -default canvas -validatemethod IsScrollableWidget -readonly no option -scalewidget -default 0 -validatemethod BooleanOption -readonly yes delegate option * to mainWindow delegate method * to mainWindow variable mainWindow variable scrollGrid -array {} constructor {args} { catch {$self configurelist $args} set widget [$self cget -windowtype] set mainWindow [$widget $win.main] $self configure -yscrollcommand [mymethod ScrollHandle $win.y] -xscrollcommand [mymethod ScrollHandle $win.x] grid $mainWindow -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1 if {[$self cget -scalewidget]} { scale $win.y -orient vertical -command [mymethod WindowScaleScroll $mainWindow yview] -width 12 -from 0 -to 1000 -show 0 scale $win.x -orient horizontal -command [mymethod WindowScaleScroll $mainWindow xview] -width 12 -from 0 -to 1000 -show 0 } else { scrollbar $win.y -orient vertical -command [list $self yview] -width 12 scrollbar $win.x -orient horizontal -command [list $self xview] -width 12 } grid $win.y -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $win.x -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew set scrollGrid($win.y) [grid info $win.y] set scrollGrid($win.x) [grid info $win.x] if {$widget eq "canvas"} {bind $mainWindow <Expose> {%W configure -scrollregion [%W bbox all]}} bind $mainWindow <Button-4> [list $self yview scroll -1 units] bind $mainWindow <Button-5> [list $self yview scroll 1 units] bind $mainWindow <Shift-Button-4> [list $self xview scroll -1 units] bind $mainWindow <Shift-Button-5> [list $self xview scroll 1 units] bind $mainWindow <Button> [mymethod HorizScroll %b] bind $mainWindow <MouseWheel> {%W yview scroll [expr {int(pow(%D/-120,3))}] units} bind $mainWindow <Shift-MouseWheel> {%W xview scroll [expr {int(pow(%D/-120,3))}] units} $self configurelist $args } method xscroll {args} {eval {$win.x} $args} method yscroll {args} {eval {$win.y} $args} method HorizScroll {btn} { if {$btn == 6} { $mainWindow xview scroll -1 units } elseif {$btn == 7} { $mainWindow xview scroll 1 units } } variable suppress ;#PAK method ScrollHandle {w first last} { if {[$self cget -scalewidget]} { if {[set val [expr 1.0 - ($last - $first)]] > 0.0} {set val [expr int(1000 / $val * $first)]} $w set $val } else { $w set $first $last } variable suppress ;#PAK if { ![info exists suppress($w)] } { ;#PAK set suppress($w) 1 ;#PAK if {$first <= 0 && $last >= 1} { grid forget $w } else { eval {grid $w} $scrollGrid($w) } update ;#PAK unset suppress($w) ;#PAK } ;#PAK } method WindowScaleScroll {w axis pos} { foreach {first last} [$w $axis] break set val [expr 1.0 - ($last - $first)] set val [expr ($val / 1000) * $pos] $w $axis moveto $val } method BooleanOption {option value} { if {$value eq ""} {set value 1} if {![string is boolean -strict $value]} {error "expected a boolean values, got \"$value\""} } method IsScrollableWidget {opt widget args} { if {[catch {$widget $win.temp -yscrollcommand {}}]} {error "$widget is not a scrollable widget"} destroy $win.temp } }And some test code:
package require snitScrollWindow pack [snitScrollWindow .fr] -fill both -expand 1 .fr create oval 0 0 200 200 .fr create oval 200 200 300 300 .fr xscroll configure -width 10 -bg black .fr yscroll configure -width 10 -bg black toplevel .n pack [snitScrollWindow .n.fr -windowtype text -width 15 -wrap none] -fill both -expand 1 for {set x 0} {$x < 50} {incr x} {.n.fr insert end "This is line number $x \n"}ABU Take a look at a very similar widget :scanvas ..AJB Interesting, but it doesn't seem to incorporate all of the various mousewheel bindings, which was part of why I wrote this.... And, it doesn't auto-hide the scrollbars when they are not needed, which is the other part of why I wrote this.
ABU 26-jan-2005Another new alternative is scrodget. A new generic-scrolled-widget (really close to the BWidgets's ScrolledWindow).