
Rheading = [ cos(h) -sin(h) 0 ] [ sin(h) cos(h) 0 ] [ 0 0 1 ]then Rheading * (x,y,z) results in a vector that has been rotated about the Z axis (heading if you allow Z to be vertical). for example Rh*(1,0,0) -> (cos(h), -sin(h), 0).2 more matrices can be written for rotation about Y and X, multiplying the matrices gives a total rotation matrix for the Euler angles.A simple package to perform symbolic manipulation of Euler matrices (and others)
# PROCS # rotmat {axis angle} - create a 3*3 array of elements for rotation about xyz # identitymat - returns an identity matrix. # matmultiply multiply symbols, returns 3*3 symbolic matrix. # matprint - prints symbolic matrix # getmatvalue m args = substitute values for parameters and return list of rows in matrix # proc identitymat {} { ;# return identity matrix variable m foreach i {1 2 3} { foreach j {1 2 3} { set m($i,$j) [expr {$i == $j}] } } return [array get m] } proc rotmat {axis angle} { # make a 3 by 3 rotation matrix for angle about axis (x,y or z) # angle can be a number or a variable name. # Returned matrix is symbolic NOT numeric. # Use "getmatvalue" to get numerical values for the matrix. # eg array set m [rotmat Z p] - returns m(1,1) = m(2,2)=cos(p) etc variable m array set m [identitymat] switch -nocase -- $axis { x { array set m [list {2,2} cos($angle) {3,3} cos($angle) \ {2,3} sin($angle) {3,2} -sin($angle)] } y { array set m [list {1,1} cos($angle) {3,3} cos($angle) \ {1,3} -sin($angle) {3,1} sin($angle)] } z { array set m [list {1,1} cos($angle) {2,2} cos($angle) \ {1,2} sin($angle) {2,1} -sin($angle)] }} return [array get m] } proc matmultiply {left right} { # conventional matrix multiplication 3 by 3 matrix # using symbolic not numeric evaluation. # left & right are arrays in the calling routine with elements 1,1...3,3 upvar 1 $left l upvar 1 $right r variable m foreach i {1 2 3} { foreach j {1 2 3} { set m($i,$j) "" foreach k {1 2 3} { ;# add up the inner product terms. if {$l($i,$k)=="" || $r($k,$j)==""} { ;# add nothing append m($i,$j) "" } elseif {$l($i,$k)==0 || $r($k,$j)==0} { ;# add nothing append m($i,$j) "" } elseif {$l($i,$k)==1} { if {[string length $m($i,$j)]>0 && [string index $m($i,$j) end]!="+"} {append m($i,$j) "+"} append m($i,$j) "$r($k,$j)" } elseif {$r($k,$j)==1} { if {[string length $m($i,$j)]>0 && [string index $m($i,$j) end]!="+"} {append m($i,$j) "+"} append m($i,$j) "$l($i,$k)" } else { if {[string length $m($i,$j)]>0 && [string index $m($i,$j) end]!="+"} {append m($i,$j) "+"} append m($i,$j) "($l($i,$k)*($r($k,$j)))" } } } } foreach i {1 2 3} { foreach j {1 2 3} { # check replace "" with 0 if {$m($i,$j) eq ""} {set m($i,$j) 0} } } return [array get m] } proc matprint {m} { # prints the 3 by 3 matrix m. # m is an array in the calling routine with elements 1,1...3,3 upvar 1 $m mat foreach i {1 2 3} { puts "$mat($i,1) | $mat($i,2) | $mat($i,3) " } } proc evaluate {term args} { # evaluate term substituting name-value pairs from args # EG evaluate "sin(theta)" theta 1.1 # evaluates sin(1.1). There may be multiple values to substitute # useful for complex substitutions as seen in the rotation matrix example # NB this can also use formulae such as # evaluate "sin(theta)" theta 2*atan(1) # which becomes sin(2*atan(1)) # and the final expr in this proc evaluates the 2*atan as well(!) # NB the expr cannot be braced as it is not composed of numerical variables but is a complex string. foreach {name value} $args { set term [regsub -all $name $term $value] } # nb no brackets as term modifies itself so cannot be compiled?. return [expr $term] } proc getmatvalue {m args} { # evaluate matrix substituting name-value pairs from args # EG getmatvalue result theta 1.1 phi 2.4 psi 3.1 # evaluates each element of the matrix with theta = 1.1, phi 2.4 etc. # NB can also evaluate as getmatvalue result theta 2*atan(1) upvar 1 $m mat variable mv foreach i {1 2 3} { foreach j {1 2 3} { # evaluate each element with numeric substitutions set mv($i,$j) [format "%8.5f" [eval evaluate $mat($i,$j) $args]] } } return [array get mv] }
Examples edit
simple rotation matrix
array set mx [rotmat z psi] puts "\n=====\nResult of rotation by psi about Z axis" matprint mx cos(psi) | sin(psi) | 0 -sin(psi) | cos(psi) | 0 0 | 0 | 1
Product of 2 matrices
array set my [rotmat z theta] array set result [matmultiply mx my] puts "\n=====\nResult of rotation by psi about Z axis then by theta about z" matprint result cos(theta) | sin(theta) | 0 (cos(psi)*(-sin(theta))) | (cos(psi)*(cos(theta))) | sin(psi) (-sin(psi)*(-sin(theta))) | (-sin(psi)*(cos(theta))) | cos(psi)
Full 3 angle Euler matrix
array set mx [rotmat X psi] array set my [rotmat Y theta] array set mz [rotmat Z phi] array set result [matmultiply mx my] array set result [matmultiply result mz] puts "\n=====\nResult of multiplying in order XYZ = psi theta phi" matprint result (cos(theta)*(cos(phi))) | (cos(theta)*(sin(phi))) | -sin(theta) ((sin(psi)*(sin(theta)))*(cos(phi)))+(cos(psi)*(-sin(phi))) | ((sin(psi)*(sin(theta)))*(sin(phi)))+(cos(psi)*(cos(phi))) | (sin(psi)*(cos(theta))) ((cos(psi)*(sin(theta)))*(cos(phi)))+(-sin(psi)*(-sin(phi))) | ((cos(psi)*(sin(theta)))*(sin(phi)))+(-sin(psi)*(cos(phi))) | (cos(psi)*(cos(theta)))Compare this with Wolfram Encyclopedia

Evaluating this matrix with theta, phi, psi defined
set phi .2 set theta .3 set psi .4 puts " Matrix theta = $theta*atan(1) psi $psi, phi $phi" array set matvalues [getmatvalue result theta $theta*atan(1) psi $psi phi $phi] matprint matvalues 0.95299 | 0.19318 | -0.23345 -0.09389 | 0.92076 | 0.37866 0.28810 | -0.33894 | 0.89561
AMG: I suggest putting your matrices in nested lists instead of arrays. You can use [lindex] and [lset] to efficiently get and set elements inside nested lists. This will improve performance a little bit because there's no need for shimmering the indices to strings to get the hash table key.