Okay, this is silly, I know - but sometimes I just cannot resist the temptation. Here is an example of useful webscraping: If you meta moderate on slashdot, you get more moderation points.
Okay so maybe it is not very useful. Actually, I don't even use my moderation points. ever.
01Okt2004 PS.
Save the script and give it your username and password.
tclsh slashmetamod.tcl ?username ?password??
It will prompt you if you do not provide them on the commandline.
# Slashdot meta moderator.
# This script will do your meta moderations for you.
package require http
# First, log in to slashdot:
set username [lindex $argv 0]
set password [lindex $argv 1]
if { $username eq "" } {
puts -nonewline "Username: "
flush stdout
set username [gets stdin]
if { $password eq "" } {
puts -nonewline "Password: "
flush stdout
set password [gets stdin]
set p 0.8 ;# p=0.8 - 80% of moderations considered 'fair'.
puts "Logging into slashdot as $username..."
http::config -useragent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
set q [http::formatQuery unickname $username returnto http://slashdot.org
op userlogin upasswd $password login_temp yes]
set tok [http::geturl http://slashdot.org/login.pl
-query $q]
upvar \#0 $tok state
set cookies [list]
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
if { $name eq "Set-Cookie" } {
lappend cookies [lindex [split $value {;}] 0]
http::cleanup $tok
puts "Getting posting numbers to metamoderate..."
set tok2 [::http::geturl http://slashdot.org/metamod.pl
-headers [list Cookie [join $cookies {;}]]]
if { [regexp {You are currently not eligible to Meta Moderate} [http::data $tok2]] } {
puts "You are currently not eligible to Meta Moderate."
set items [regexp -all -inline {<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="(mm[0-9]*)" VALUE="-">} [http::data $tok2]]
http::cleanup $tok2
set q ""
foreach {x mm} $items {
set fair [expr {rand() <= $p}]
if { $fair } {
set choice +
} else {
set choice -
lappend q [http::formatQuery $mm $choice]
puts "Posting $mm: $choice"
lappend q [http::formatQuery op MetaModerate]
set q [join $q "&"]
set tok3 [::http::geturl http://slashdot.org/metamod.pl
-query $q -headers [list Cookie [join $cookies {;}]]]
if { [regexp {You are currently not eligible to Meta Moderate} [http::data $tok2]] } {
puts "MetaModeration failed, slashdot said:"
puts "You are currently not eligible to Meta Moderate."
puts "MetaModerated."