CMeval .maxima.textWill do this, and we can treat the main maxima interpreter window as a Tk text widget (it appears simply to be one), where input can be entered in through a script like this:
.maxima.text insert end 1+2\; CMeval .maxima.textWhich leads to the expacted answer.Now we already could start to use bwise with it.I've made a small example bwise network with two blocks following a terminal block (which doesn't yet get saved right, mind you !) of which the first inserts its input data at the end of the maxima text widget, and the second calls CMeval, which already works:
TV 2004-07-23: I've used the preliminary domax function from Calling Maxima from Tcl in the bwise+maxima application I made basically by sourcing bwise into maxima over its Tcl console, and pack forget .browser, which makes the bwise window appear.Apart from error problems, the setup works, like examplified in the network below
set term0.out {cos(x)^2+SIN(x)^2} set Proc1.bfunc { set Proc1.out [domax ${} ]} set Proc2.bfunc { set Proc2.out [domax "integrate( ${},x)" ]}The block fed back to the interactive terminal block, which fires a (non-looping) net_funprop functional propagate when return is pressed in its entry, evaluates its input in maxima, and shows the result back in the terminal block.It is followed by a block which tells maxima to integrate its input formula, and of which the outcome is fed to a text monitor block.And the setup works ! Which is highly fun and relevant, expecially after some more work...
TV: I add this to make it practically easier to start up bwise and maxima, I assume a recent bwise script and startup in it to be in bwise343start_windows.tcl . The below can be sourced in from a file or pasted (with adaptations, see last part), most conveniently from the tcl console after having started xmaxima. On linux, edit the button of the /usr/bin/xmaxima, just above the last comment lines to source in the file with the below, than the combined application starts automatically.
proc domax { {e} } { global passres; .maxima.text insert insert "$e;\n" ; CMeval .maxima.text; set passres {}; while {$passres == ""} {vwait passres}; return $passres } proc maximaFilter { {win} {sock} } { linkLocal $win plotPending global pdata #TV added: global passres if { [eof $sock] } { # puts "at end" close $sock return "" } set it [read $sock] # puts "read=<$it>" if { [string first "\032\032" $it] >= 0 && [regexp -indices "\032\032(\[^:]+):(\[0-9]+):\[^\n]*\n" $it junk file line] } { dblDisplayFrame [getMatch $it $file] [getMatch $it $line] append res [string range $it 0 [expr { [lindex $junk 0] -1 } ]] append res [string range $it [expr { 1+[lindex $junk 1]}] end] set it $res } if { [string first "\032\031tcl:" $it] >= 0 && [regexp -indices "\032\031tcl:(\\[^\n]*)\n" $it junk com]} { eval $com append res [string range $it 0 [expr { [lindex $junk 0] -1 } ]] append res [string range $it [expr { 1+[lindex $junk 1]}] end] set it $res } # puts it=<$it> if { [regexp -indices "\{plot\[d23]\[fd]" $it inds] } { set plotPending [string range $it [lindex $inds 0] end] set it "" if { [regexp {\(C[0-9]+\) $} $it ff] } { regexp "\{plot\[d23]\[df].*\}" $ff it # set it $ff } } if { [info exists plotPending] } { #puts "plotPending=<$plotPending>,it=<$it>" append plotPending $it set it "" if { [regexp -indices "\n\\(D\[0-9\]+\\)" $plotPending inds] } { set it [string range $plotPending [lindex $inds 0] end] set plotPending [string range $plotPending 0 [lindex $inds 0]] set data $plotPending unset plotPending #puts itplot=<$it>,$inds #puts plotdata=<$data> doShowPlot $win $data } } $win insert end $it "output" $win mark set lastStart "end -1char" #TV added: if [string compare -length 2 $it "(C"] { # set i [string first "\n(%i" $it]; set i [string first "\n(C" $it]; if {$i <= 0} {set i end-1} {incr i -1} #set passres [string range $it [expr [string first )\ $it]+2] $i] set passres [string range $it [expr [string first \)\ $it]+2] $i] } if { [regexp {\(C[0-9]+\) $|\(dbm:[0-9]+\) $|([A-Z]+>[>]*)$} $it junk lisp] } { #puts "junk=$junk, lisp=$lisp,[expr { 0 == [string compare $lisp {}] }]" #puts "it=<$it>,pdata={[array get pdata *]},[$win index end],[$win index insert]" if { [info exists pdata($sock,wait) ] && $pdata($sock,wait) > 0 } { #puts "it=<$it>,begin=$pdata($sock,begin),end=[$win index {end linestart}]" #puts dump=[$win dump -all "insert -3 lines" end] setAct pdata($sock,result) [$win get $pdata($sock,begin) "end -1char linestart" ] #puts result=$pdata($sock,result) set pdata($sock,wait) 0 } $win mark set lastStart "end -1char" $win tag add input "end -1char" end oset $win atMaximaPrompt [expr { 0 == [string compare $lisp ""] }] } $win see end return } # This is the script that sources the above when you've put it in files # and set the whole of the maxima windows ready to start # You'll have to adapt pths and filenames to suit your setup append auto_path " c:/Theo/Tcl/lib/" cd e:/Theo/ source bwise343start_windows.tcl update cd e:/Theo/Maxima source procmaxstart1.tcl pack forget .browser update domax "display2d:false" # procs_window update wm geom . 950x650+50+50 updateNow you'll see on top the maxima interpreter, and in the bottom of the window the Bwise application window, and as separate window the function window.To get a maxima result, use for instance from the tcl console window:
domax 1+9 10to get maxima results. In bwise blocks, the same function can be used.
newproc {set brace.out "${brace.expr}(${})"} brace {in expr} newproc {set domax2.out [domax ${domax2.e}] } domax2 e out 40 {} {} 300 200The latter can be made with Automatically generate Bwise blocks from procedures (or the 'block' button in the latest function window update, see interactive command composer):
proc_toblock domax
An alternative approach is to call the commandline version of maxima from a bwise block for each invokation of the block function. On Linux / Unix this at least can work fine: Bwise blocks using exec maxima .