
- Rss feeds updated every 30 minutes
- Force refresh of feeds (right click)
- Drag and drop a RSS link (from MSIE) onto tree to add a new news source
- Tree ballon help now displays when item was published
- Stores all RSS feeds in registry
- Delete news feeds (right click a item)
- Stores and Loads screen placement and state
- Display Unicode correctly in the Tree
- Performs a conditional http GET using store Last-Modified and ETag values
- Ballon help to give time since article published
- Ballon help to give article description if available
- Under the News Feed have folder for Today and Old
- In tree, paint new posts blue, and visited ones purple
Source Code
# RssPoint by Michael P. Jacobson # The One Line License (OLL) ~ # Get it, use it, share it, improve it, but don't blame me (or us). set version 1.5 bind . <F1> [list console show] package require Tk 8.4 package require BWidget package require tdom package require optcl catch {package require tkdnd} catch {package require Resizer} package require autoproxy package require http package require registry autoproxy::init wm withdraw . # RSS code by MPJ - works most of the time ;-) proc Rss:Channel {name} { global rss foreach n [[lindex [$name childNodes] 0] childNodes] { if {![string equal -nocase [string range [$n nodeName] 0 3] "item"]} { if {[$n childNode] != "" && [llength [$n childNode]] == 1} { if {[[$n childNode] nodeName]=="#text"} { set rss($name,[$n nodeName]) [[$n childNode] nodeValue] } } } } return $name } proc Rss:Items {name} { global $name set root $name array unset $name if {[string equal -nocase [$root nodeName] rss]} { set root [lindex [$name childNodes] 0] } set count 0 foreach n [$root childNodes] { if {[string equal -nocase [string range [$n nodeName] 0 3] "item"]} { incr count foreach o [$n childNodes] { if {[$o childNode] != "" && [[$o childNode] nodeName]=="#text"} { set [join "$name ($count,[$o nodeName])" {}] [string map {\n {}} [[$o childNode] nodeValue]] } } } } return $count } # used for the initial update of the items then Rss:Update is callled (should be combined) proc Rss:Site {name} { global rss set rawrss [fetch $name] if {[catch {dom parse $rawrss rss(dom,$name)}]} {puts "Error on create";return -1} catch {.tree delete t0} $rss(dom,$name) documentElement rss(root,$name) set fndnode [Rss:Channel $rss(root,$name)] set fndcnt [Rss:Items $rss(root,$name)] set rss(tree,$name) [.tree insert end root "t$::tc" -text [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $rss($fndnode,title)] \ -helptext $name \ -image [Bitmap::get folder] -open 1 -data $rss($fndnode,link)] set count $::tc for {set i 1} {$i <= $fndcnt} {incr i} { set help "" if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } elseif {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]]} { set help2 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]] set c 0 while {[set fnd [string range $help2 $c [incr c 40]]] != ""} { set help "$help\n$fnd";incr c } } if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} .tree insert end "t$::tc" t[incr count] -text [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,title)" {}]]] \ -helptext $help \ -data [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,link)" {}]] \ -image [Bitmap::get file] } set ::tc [incr count] } proc Rss:Update {name} { global rss puts "Updating ... $name ... [clock format [clock second]]" if {[set rawrss [fetch $name]] == ""} {puts " No News Updates Found";return 0} if {[catch {dom parse $rawrss rss(dom,$name)}]} {puts "Error on update";return -1} $rss(dom,$name) documentElement rss(root,$name) #set fndnode [Rss:Channel $rss(root,$name)] .tree delete [.tree nodes $rss(tree,$name)] set fndnode $rss(root,$name) set fndcnt [Rss:Items $rss(root,$name)] set count $::tc for {set i 1} {$i <= $fndcnt} {incr i} { set help "" if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,pubDate)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } elseif {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]]} { set help [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,dc:date)" {}]] if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} } if {[info exist [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]]} { set help2 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,description)" {}]] set c 0 while {[set fnd [string range $help2 $c [incr c 40]]] != ""} { set help "$help\n$fnd";incr c } } if {![catch {clock scan $help} sec]} {set help [clock format $sec]} .tree insert end $rss(tree,$name) t[incr count] -text [string trim [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,title)" {}]]]] \ -helptext $help \ -data [set [join "::$fndnode ($i,link)" {}]] \ -image [Bitmap::get file] } set ::tc [incr count] } # http fetch and return stuff proc fetch {url} { global rss if {[info exist rss(last,$url)]} { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url \ -headers [list If-Modified-Since $rss(last,$url) If-None-Match $rss(etag,$url)]]]] } else { set res [http::data [set tok [http::geturl $url]]] } upvar #0 $tok state foreach {key val} $state(meta) { if {[string equal -nocase $key Last-Modified]} {set rss(last,$url) $val} if {[string equal -nocase $key ETag]} {set rss(etag,$url) $val} } if {[http::ncode $tok] != 200} {set res ""} http::cleanup $tok return $res } # GPS code for WippleWobble (an IE COM in a Tk window) proc forceFocus {win} {catch {focus -force $win}} proc setOptions {} { option add *Button.pady 0 option add *Button.padx 1 option add *Button.borderWidth 1 } proc loadLocation {win} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar if {[catch {$ar(htm) navigate $ar(location)} res]} { return -code error $res } } proc linkchanged {win id page} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar $win.status config -text $page } proc pagebusy {win {waittime 250}} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar set col [list green yellow] $win.controls.busy config -bg [lindex $col [$ar(htm) : Busy]] return [after $waittime "pagebusy $win"] } proc buildInterface {win location} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar #The default for new instances set ar(location) $location frame $win -class RssPoint pack [frame $win.controls] -fill x pack [button $win.controls.backward -text "<<" \ -command "catch \"\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] goBack\""] -side left pack [button $win.controls.forward -text ">>" \ -command "catch \"\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] goForward\""] -side left pack [button $win.controls.print -text "Print" \ -command "\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER" -bg orange -fg white] -side left pack [button $win.controls.stop -text "Stop" \ -command "\[set ::_${win}ar(htm)\] stop" -bg firebrick -fg white] -side left pack [entry $win.controls.e \ -textvariable ::_${win}ar(location)] \ -side left -fill x -expand 1 bind $win.controls.e <Return> [list loadLocation $win] pack [button $win.controls.go -text Go \ -command [list loadLocation $win] -bg darkgreen -fg white] -side left pack [label $win.controls.space -width 2] -side left pack [label $win.controls.busy -width 4 -bg green] -side left set htm [optcl::new -window $win.htm Shell.Explorer.2] pack $win.htm -fill both -side top -expand 1 set ar(htm) $htm pack [label $win.status] -side bottom -anchor w optcl::bind $htm StatusTextChange [list linkchanged $win] $htm navigate $ar(location) pagebusy $win return $win } proc updateInterface { {mintime 30} } { global rss foreach a [array name rss root,*] {Rss:Update [lindex [split $a ,] 1]} after [expr round($mintime*60000)] updateInterface } panedwindow .pane frame .treeframe Tree .tree -yscrollcommand [list .sbary set] -xscrollcommand [list .sbarx set] .tree bindText <Double-1> [list tree_nav] .tree bindText <Button-3> [list popup .tree .treemenu %X %Y] catch {dnd bindtarget .tree UniformResourceLocator <Drop> {Rss:Site %D}} menu .treemenu -tearoff 0 -activeborder 0 .treemenu add command -label "Move Up" -command [list move_selected -1] .treemenu add command -label "Move Down" -command [list move_selected 1] .treemenu add separator .treemenu add command -label Update -command [list update_selected] .treemenu add separator .treemenu add command -label Delete -command [list delete_selected] proc move_selected {direction} { if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } set new [expr {[lsearch [.tree nodes root] $top] + $direction}] if {$new >= 0 && $new < [llength [.tree nodes root]]} { .tree move root $top $new } } proc popup {frame win X Y pane} { if {[string equal [$frame selection get] $pane]} {tk_popup $win $X $Y} } proc update_selected {} { global rss if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $top} {Rss:Update $link} } } proc delete_selected {} { global rss if {[set top [.tree parent [.tree selection get]]] == "root"} { set top [.tree selection get] } foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $top} { set dom $rss(root,$link) array unset rss *,$link array unset rss $dom,* global $dom array unset $dom .tree delete $top } } } scrollbar .sbary -command [list .tree yview] scrollbar .sbarx -orient horizontal -command [list .tree xview] grid .tree .sbary -in .treeframe -sticky nsew grid .sbarx -in .treeframe -sticky ew grid columnconfigure .treeframe 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure .treeframe 0 -weight 1 set tc 1 .tree insert end root t0 -text "Now Retrieving Rss Data" \ -image [Bitmap::get file] -open 1 -data "http://wiki.tcl.tk/RssPoint" proc tree_nav {page {win .htm}} { upvar #0 _${win}ar ar set ar(location) [.tree itemcget $page -data] $ar(htm) navigate $ar(location) } buildInterface .htm "http://wiki.tcl.tk/RssPoint
" grid .pane -sticky news .pane add .treeframe -sticky news .pane add .htm -sticky news grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 catch {Resizer::resizer .resizer} catch {raise .resizer} bind all <Enter> {forceFocus %W} bind all <ButtonPress-1> {forceFocus %W} catch {wm geometry . [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" geometry]} catch {wm state . [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" state]} wm title . "RssPoint v$version" wm deiconify . if {[catch {registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" sites} sites]} { Rss:Site http://wiki.tcl.tk/rss.xml
Rss:Site http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rss
wm geometry . 800x600 } else { for {set i 1} {$i <= $sites} {incr i} { Rss:Site [registry get "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" site$i] } } after [expr 1000*60*30] updateInterface ;# 1st update in 30 minutes proc on_exit {} { global rss set c 0 registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" geometry [wm geometry .] registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Gui" state [wm state .] registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" sites [llength [.tree nodes root]] foreach ele [.tree nodes root] { foreach a [array name rss tree,*] { set link [lindex [split $a ,] 1] if {$rss(tree,$link) == $ele} { registry set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RssPoint\\Feeds" site[incr c] $link break } } } exit } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {on_exit}
User Wishes:
- Saving the state of a node (opened/closed) to be restored when started the next time - by male, June 24th, 2004
- Reloading a loaded page belonging to feed leaf after a configurable duration (like in NewzPoint) or if the feed tells, that it has changed - by male, June 24th, 2004
- more key events in the tree, like <Prior>, <Next>, <Control-Home> and <Control-End> to move page wise and to the top or the bottom of the tree - by male, June 24th, 2004
- right-click in the tree to have a context menu, even if no tree node is selected! If a right-click selects an element like a left-click and than shows the context menu, than it would behave normal on MS Windows - by male, June 24th, 2004
- integration in NewzPoint??? - by male, June 24th, 2004
- mapping for HTML entities in the leaf names, like ", <, etc. - by male, June 24th, 2004
- the ability to disable the automatic update globally or per feed - by male, June 24th, 2004
- Some other means of doing the web pages, so that the application is cross platform.
- the ability to let the user name tree nodes by himself - by male, June 24th, 2004
- the ability to export the settings from the registry in a file to transport them to another computer. E.g. in a source-able tcl file with calls to the registry command adding all the extracted keys and values - by male, June 24th, 2004
- the balloon help over a leaf of the Tcler's Wiki feed could contain the last change, but the last changer too - by male, June 24th, 2004