- A template reflected channel
- A script that wraps file functions to disable Tilde Substitution
- globfind, an improved replacement for fileutil::find
- TOXFile, a pure Tcl/Tk, cross-platform, drag/drop enabled, explorer-style file manager
- the FILTR, File Inventory for Loading, Transfer and Recovery
- A chroot virtual filesystem
- An SSH virtual filesystem
- A template virtual filesystem
- A versioning virtual filesystem
- tdelta, an rdiff-style file delta generator.
- A delta virtual filesystem
- A collate/broadcast virtual filesystem
- A quota-enforcing virtual filesystem
- An LZW-compressing virtual filesystem
- pure-Tcl replacements for Tclx keyed lists commands
- a wrapper and starkit for sfm
- stepsource.tcl
Summer of Code: edit
- In 2008 I was a participant with the Tcl Community in Google's Summer of Code. I mentored the tcl-fuse project.
- I participated in 2009's GSoC as well; I mentored The tcl-map GSoC2009 project.
Conferences: edit
- At the Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011) I presented the paper "A Novel Method for Representing Hierarchies in a Relational Database Using Bignums and Sqlite" (pdf)
- At the Sixteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2009) I co-presented the papers "An overview of two key Stargus technologies - secure authentication and shared storage"
and "The use of Tcl/Tk in the AnatLab Virtual Anatomy Laboratory"
- At the Fifteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2008) I co-presented the papers "dotNyet"
and "AnatLab: A Web-based Virtual Anatomy Laboratory"
- At the Thirteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference I presented the paper "Using Tcl Virtual Filesystems for Complex Data Management" (pdf)
I live in Chicago, IL, USA. Drop by!stephen.huntley@alum.mit.edu