pack [canvas .c -bg darkgreen -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0] -expand 1 -fill both namespace eval ::img {} image create photo ::img::ah -format gif -data { R0lGODlhRwBgAKEAAH//1AAAAP////8AACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABHAGAAAAL/BIKpy+0PYzBH2I uz3rz7L0wBSJamiZzquqbawMZyOL7zfbrYwOP+p7vwYL+iJijo9YxMWkZJbBaDy2RUiqMOh9if bgvuZmvW51XMcm2FXHRM3bZW3SokfUq+G+36MRsW15dTs7YmOGgBZnhYAqd4xujhqBjZSPZYab mzmAmUJ9ep+RQqStryaVqaioK66umKCKsqK9lKe2R7i8Gnu5vb6wTMwStMLLPI6WdESen1u4KJ 6WMM/Sit/GN9fUOtot2M7fMdNv1cPY7HND7HbX5uvef+Tp4ute3cRR8vFrjP39XtVkBaA2UVhH XQVcJVC1M1NPWQVMRQEztVzHTxDqSMYm76ceTH6SOWayKbaLNQUh28YLROspRVqE1KlYCqzLxz k05ONztnIJMp79DPJT19nrEZVOjKl7C2FTXKxlcvKBmeQmVn1ejGpJH6MW25IavPsFwZlnVYQV hVChLaun3b1kABADs=} image create photo ::img::as -format gif -data { R0lGODlhRwBgAKEAAH//1AAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABHAGAAAAL/BIKpy+0PYzBH2I uz3rz7L0wBSJamiZzquqbZyMZyCGP1jJfuleQ+uLP0fsRNMBUsFo+jpPK3i96ePumCuoQ9sFDt 1MllIYc0cPg0tk7PKjO7un535VRnnI7+uvHA25XfUtMA2OY1SKhjyICYKOSQcwfH00QDuTeTRI apUKcXibKodBnDyZn1VFr2GSja46qJM5qXRjvXRfsq23fblNur6wEc7BuiarxpWUtsSrrap9xr zMwqU/paDC1s49xhPVZW6c2toT2ZDb4MS1Iu7Ut5JV4YiPuLq1oLOn+fi02fllfoHzx099Cp6z bOXMFvDKPBA6bNnTSC4n7lA1XPkUCD3y68NcLI0d5DfgeNJOTYLkJKcOtOkhQJ02JJci7xLcRW UKPFlrP2jQw5aOaLmvUWbYHAchfGou6MBhW6LaBORSGnary41FPHrbD+8AyI9OrUR1hnkc3pc9 pXMaHMZWoLsJNXIuxazrXV6hDdk4m27GVkCXAsvoKHFrZr+DAQmooR9pvU2OShunL8Un5jmTAf vZcrT+vsWU/kYIxHlzX9ATQj1XIFDWGNiowp2LETV0Kd1jXusX4005ESdXc40cK/BS9uxzcedb S5xGmO5bnywtB/VxDOYYIBCdy7e+duoAAAOw==} bind .c <ButtonPress-1> {bPress1 %W %x %y} bind .c <ButtonPress-3> {bPress3 %W %x %y} bind . <Configure> {wm title . "Canvas Example (Height = [winfo height .c] / Width = [winfo width .c])"} proc bPress1 {w x y} { set i [lindex [$w find overlapping $x $y $x $y] end] if { $i == "" } { set i [$w create image $x $y -anchor nw -image ::img::ah -tags card] setFocus $w $i } else { setFocus $w $i } };# bPress1 proc bPress3 {w x y} { set close [lindex [$w find overlapping $x $y $x $y] end] if { $close != "" && [lsearch [.c gettags $close] "hasfocus"] != "-1" } { puts "Coords of Card: [.c coords $close] ($close)" } else { puts "Coords of Click: $x $y ($close)" } };# bPress3 proc setFocus {w i} { if { [.c find withtag hasfocus] != "" } { $w itemconfigure [.c find withtag hasfocus] -image ::img::ah $w dtag [.c find withtag hasfocus] hasfocus } $w focus $i $w itemconfigure $i -image ::img::as $w addtag hasfocus withtag $i };# setFocus
For another canvas example, see A minimal doodler explained or Simple Canvas Demo
Screenshots Section
figure 1.
[ Category Example - Category Graphics ]