Updated 2011-05-16 01:39:11 by RLE

Arjen Markus (29 april 2004) Here is a script that implements a number of straightforward interpolation methods. There is no documentation as yet beyond the comments in the code, but I want to submit this to Tcllib.

The biggest problem is: how to represent the data? This has less to do with the performance, IMO, than with the ease with which someone can use these procs. Perhaps several representations ought to be possible.
 # interpolate.tcl --
 #    Package for interpolation methods (one- and two-dimensional)
 # Remarks:
 #    None of the methods deal gracefully with missing values
 # To do:
 #    Add cubic splines and B-splines as methods
 #    For spatial interpolation in two dimensions also quadrant method?
 #    Method for destroying a table
 #    Proper documentation
 #    Proper test cases
 # version 0.1: initial implementation, january 2003
 # version 0.2: added linear and Lagrange interpolation, straightforward
 #              spatial interpolation, april 2004

 package provide interpolation 0.2
 package require struct

 # ::math::interpolation --
 #   Namespace holding the procedures and variables

 namespace eval ::math::interpolation {
    variable search_radius {}
    variable inv_dist_pow  2

    namespace export interp-1d-table interp-table interp-linear \

 # defineTable --
 #    Define a two-dimensional table of data
 # Arguments:
 #    name     Name of the table to be created
 #    cols     Names of the columns (for convenience and for counting)
 #    values   List of values to fill the table with (must be sorted
 #             w.r.t. first column or first column and first row)
 # Results:
 #    Name of the new command
 # Side effects:
 #    Creates a new command, which is used in subsequent calls
 proc ::math::interpolation::defineTable { name cols values } {

    set table ::math::interpolation::__$name
    ::struct::matrix $table

    $table add columns [llength $cols]
    $table add row
    $table set row 0 $cols

    set row    1
    set first  0
    set nocols [llength $cols]
    set novals [llength $values]
    while { $first < $novals } {
       set last [expr {$first+$nocols-1}]
       $table add row
       $table set row $row [lrange $values $first $last]

       incr first $nocols
       incr row

    return $table

 # inter-1d-table --
 #    Interpolate in a one-dimensional table
 #    (first column is independent variable, all others dependent)
 # Arguments:
 #    table    Name of the table
 #    xval     Value of the independent variable
 # Results:
 #    List of interpolated values, including the x-variable
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-1d-table { table xval } {

    # Search for the records that enclose the x-value
    set xvalues [lrange [$table get column 0] 1 end]

    foreach {row row2} [FindEnclosingEntries $xval $xvalues] break

    set prev_values [$table get row $row]
    set next_values [$table get row $row2]

    set xprev       [lindex $prev_values 0]
    set xnext       [lindex $next_values 0]

    if { $row == $row2 } {
       return [concat $xval [lrange $prev_values 1 end]]
    } else {
       set wprev [expr {($xnext-$xval)/($xnext-$xprev)}]
       set wnext [expr {1.0-$wprev}]
       set results {}
       foreach vprev $prev_values vnext $next_values {
          set vint  [expr {$vprev*$wprev+$vnext*$wnext}]
          lappend results $vint
       return $results

 # interp-table --
 #    Interpolate in a two-dimensional table
 #    (first column and first row are independent variables)
 # Arguments:
 #    table    Name of the table
 #    xval     Value of the independent row-variable
 #    yval     Value of the independent column-variable
 # Results:
 #    Interpolated value
 # Note:
 #    Use bilinear interpolation
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-table { table xval yval } {

    # Search for the records that enclose the x-value
    set xvalues [lrange [$table get column 0] 2 end]

    foreach {row row2} [FindEnclosingEntries $xval $xvalues] break
    incr row
    incr row2

    # Search for the columns that enclose the y-value
    set yvalues [lrange [$table get row 1] 1 end]

    foreach {col col2} [FindEnclosingEntries $yval $yvalues] break

    set yvalues [concat "." $yvalues] ;# Prepend a dummy column!

    set prev_values [$table get row $row]
    set next_values [$table get row $row2]

    set x1          [lindex $prev_values 0]
    set x2          [lindex $next_values 0]
    set y1          [lindex $yvalues     $col]
    set y2          [lindex $yvalues     $col2]

    set v11         [lindex $prev_values $col]
    set v12         [lindex $prev_values $col2]
    set v21         [lindex $next_values $col]
    set v22         [lindex $next_values $col2]

    # value = v0 + a*(x-x1) + b*(y-y1) + c*(x-x1)*(y-y1)
    # if x == x1 and y == y1: value = v11
    # if x == x1 and y == y2: value = v12
    # if x == x2 and y == y1: value = v21
    # if x == x2 and y == y2: value = v22
    set a 0.0
    if { $x1 != $x2 } {
       set a [expr {($v21-$v11)/($x2-$x1)}]
    set b 0.0
    if { $y1 != $y2 } {
       set b [expr {($v12-$v11)/($y2-$y1)}]
    set c 0.0
    if { $x1 != $x2 && $y1 != $y2 } {
       set c [expr {($v11+$v22-$v12-$v21)/($x2-$x1)/($y2-$y1)}]

    set result \
    [expr {$v11+$a*($xval-$x1)+$b*($yval-$y1)+$c*($xval-$x1)*($yval-$y1)}]

    return $result

 # FindEnclosingEntries --
 #    Search within a sorted list
 # Arguments:
 #    val      Value to be searched
 #    values   List of values to be examined
 # Results:
 #    Returns a list of the previous and next indices
 proc FindEnclosingEntries { val values } {
    set found 0
    set row2  1
    foreach v $values {
       if { $val <= $v } {
          set row   [expr {$row2-1}]
          set found 1
       incr row2

    # Border cases: extrapolation needed
    if { ! $found } {
       incr row2 -1
       set  row $row2
    if { $row == 0 } {
       set row $row2

    return [list $row $row2]

 # interp-linear --
 #    Use linear interpolation
 # Arguments:
 #    xyvalues   List of x/y values to be interpolated
 #    xval       x-value for which a value is sought
 # Results:
 #    Estimated value at $xval
 # Note:
 #    The list xyvalues must be sorted w.r.t. the x-value
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-linear { xyvalues xval } {
    # Border cases first
    if { [lindex $xyvalues 0] > $xval } {
       return [lindex $xyvalues 1]
    if { [lindex $xyvalues end-1] < $xval } {
       return [lindex $xyvalues end]

    # The ordinary case
    set idxx -2
    set idxy -1
    foreach { x y } $xyvalues {
       if { $xval < $x } {
       incr idxx 2
       incr idxy 2

    set x2 [lindex $xyvalues $idxx]
    set y2 [lindex $xyvalues $idxy]

    if { $x2 != $x } {
       set yval [expr {$y+($y2-$y)*($xval-$x)/($x2-$x)}]
    } else {
       set yval $y
    return $yval

 # interp-lagrange --
 #    Use the Lagrange interpolation method
 # Arguments:
 #    xyvalues   List of x/y values to be interpolated
 #    xval       x-value for which a value is sought
 # Results:
 #    Estimated value at $xval
 # Note:
 #    The list xyvalues must be sorted w.r.t. the x-value
 #    Furthermore the Lagrange method is not a very practical
 #    method, as potentially the errors are unbounded
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-lagrange { xyvalues xval } {
    # Border case: xval equals one of the "nodes"
    foreach { x y } $xyvalues {
       if { $x == $xval } {
          return $y

    # Ordinary case
    set nonodes2 [llength $xyvalues]

    set yval 0.0

    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nonodes2 } { incr i 2 } {
       set idxn 0
       set xn   [lindex $xyvalues $i]
       set yn   [lindex $xyvalues [expr {$i+1}]]

       foreach { x y } $xyvalues {
          if { $idxn != $i } {
             set yn [expr {$yn*($x-$xval)/($x-$xn)}]
          incr idxn 2

       set yval [expr {$yval+$yn}]

    return $yval

 # interp-spatial --
 #    Use a straightforward interpolation method with weights as
 #    function of the inverse distance to interpolate in 2D and N-D
 #    space
 # Arguments:
 #    xyvalues   List of coordinates and values at these coordinates
 #    coord      List of coordinates for which a value is sought
 # Results:
 #    Estimated value(s) at $coord
 # Note:
 #    The list xyvalues is a list of lists:
 #    { {x1 y1 z1 {v11 v12 v13 v14}
 #      {x2 y2 z2 {v21 v22 v23 v24}
 #      ...
 #    }
 #    The last element of each inner list is either a single number
 #    or a list in itself. In the latter case the return value is
 #    a list with the same number of elements.
 #    The method is influenced by the search radius and the
 #    power of the inverse distance
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-spatial { xyvalues coord } {
    variable search_radius
    variable inv_dist_pow

    set result {}
    foreach v [lindex [lindex $xyvalues 0] end] {
       lappend result 0.0

    set total_weight 0.0

    if { $search_radius != {} } {
       set max_radius2  [expr {$search_radius*$search_radius}]
    } else {
       set max_radius2  {}

    foreach point $xyvalues {
       set dist 0.0
       foreach c [lrange $point 0 end-1] cc $coord {
          set dist [expr {$dist+($c-$cc)*($c-$cc)}]
       if { $max_radius2 == {} || $dist <= $max_radius2 } {
          if { $inv_dist_pow == 1 } {
             set dist [expr {sqrt($dist)}]
          set total_weight [expr {$total_weight+1.0/$dist}]

          set idx 0
          foreach v [lindex $point end] r $result {
             lset result $idx [expr {$r+$v/$dist}]
             incr idx

    puts "Total weight: $total_weight"

    if { $total_weight == 0.0 } {
       set idx 0
       foreach r $result {
          lset result $idx {}
          incr idx
    } else {
       set idx 0
       foreach r $result {
          lset result $idx [expr {$r/$total_weight}]
          incr idx

    return $result

 # interp-spatial-params --
 #    Set the parameters for spatial interpolation
 # Arguments:
 #    max_search   Search radius (if none: use {} or "")
 #    power        Power for the inverse distance (1 or 2, defaults to 2)
 # Results:
 #    None
 proc ::math::interpolation::interp-spatial-params { max_search {power 2} } {
    variable search_radius
    variable inv_dist_pow

    set search_radius $max_search
    if { $power == 1 } {
       set inv_dist_pow 1
    } else {
       set inv_dist_pow 2

 # Simple test code
 if { [file tail [info script]] == [file tail $::argv0] } {

    set t [::math::interpolation::defineTable table1 \
       {    x     v1    v2    v3 } \
       {    0      0    10     1
            1      1     9     4
            2      2     8     9
            5      5     5    25
            7      7     3    49
           10     10     0   100 }]

    foreach x { -1.0 0.0 3.0 5.0 9.9 11.0 } {
       puts [::math::interpolation::interp-1d-table $t $x]

    # value = x+y
    set t2 [::math::interpolation::defineTable table2 \
       {    x      y1   y2    y3 } \
       {    -      0     3    10
            1      1     4    11
            2      2     5    12
            5      5     8    15
            7      7    10    17
           10     10    13    20 }]

    puts " "
    foreach y { -1.0 0.0 3.0 5.0 9.9 11.0 } {
       foreach x { -1.0 0.0 3.0 5.0 9.9 11.0 } {
          puts "$x $y [::math::interpolation::interp-table $t2 $x $y]"

    # linear interpolation: y = x + 1 and y = 2*x, x<5, or 20-2*x, x>5
    puts "\nLinear interpolation (1) - expected: 1.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0, 11.0"
    set xyvalues { 0.0 1.0  10.0 11.0 }
    foreach x { 0.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 101.0 } {
       puts "$x: [::math::interpolation::interp-linear $xyvalues $x]"
    puts "\nLinear interpolation (2) - expected: 0.0 8.0 6.0 0.0 0.0"
    set xyvalues { 0.0 0.0  5.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 }
    foreach x { 0.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 } {
       puts "$x: [::math::interpolation::interp-linear $xyvalues $x]"

    # Lagrange interpolation: y = x + 1
    puts "\nLagrange interpolation (1) - expected: 1.0, 5.0, 8.0, 11.0, 102.0"
    set xyvalues { 0.0 1.0  10.0 11.0 }
    foreach x { 0.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 101.0 } {
       puts "$x: [::math::interpolation::interp-lagrange $xyvalues $x]"
    puts "\nLagrange interpolation (2) - expected: y=10-2*(x-5)**2/5"
    puts "so: 0.0, 10-2/5, 10-8/5, 0.0, 10-72/5"
    set xyvalues { 0.0 0.0  5.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 }
    foreach x { 0.0 4.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 } {
       puts "$x: [::math::interpolation::interp-lagrange $xyvalues $x]"

    # Spatial interpolation:
    puts "\nSpatial interpolation (1)"
    set xyzvalues { {-1.0 0.0 -2.0 }
                    { 1.0 0.0  2.0 } }
    puts "Values: $xyzvalues"
    foreach coord { {0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0} {3.0 0.0} {100.0 0.0} } {
       puts "$coord: [::math::interpolation::interp-spatial $xyzvalues $coord]"
    puts "\nSpatial interpolation (2)"
    set xyzvalues { {-1.0 0.0 { -2.0  1.0 } }
                    { 1.0 0.0 {  2.0 -1.0 } } }
    puts "Values: $xyzvalues"
    foreach coord { {0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0} {3.0 0.0} {100.0 0.0} } {
       puts "$coord: [::math::interpolation::interp-spatial $xyzvalues $coord]"