# ./tclkit whipit.kitOn Windowsfrom a dos window
C:\tclkitsh whipit.kitfrom windows explorer
drag and release whipit.kit on tclkitPoint your browser to
http://yourhost:8015/wikit/BAJ uses whipit and finds it very useful, but just discovered that the history feature of wikit (enabled with "WIKIT_HIST" is broken by whipit (the puts that should write to a disk file ends up being remapped to the WktCGI_Puts command in script below).Jeff Smith 22 November 2004 - Thanks for the report! I have never used the history feature. If you have a fix can you post it here?BAJ 22 November 2004 - I think I have a fix now that involves only aliasing the "cgi_puts" command. I'll do a little more testing and then post it.Jeff Smith 30 June 2005 - I have adjusted the code and now history and caching are working. This is reflected in the code below.The code below is in the custom directory inside the whipit.kit starkit. To enable history or caching you need to unwrap the starkit and adjust the code to suit.
************* whipit.tcl ****************************
# Create a cache and hist directory incase it is needed. file mkdir [file dir $starkit::topdir]/cache file mkdir [file dir $starkit::topdir]/hist set WktDir [file dir $starkit::topdir]/wikit.kit if {[file exists $WktDir]} { # Mount the wikit startkit vfs::mk4::Mount [file dir $starkit::topdir]/wikit.kit [file dir $starkit::topdir]/wikit.kit # Append wikit library from the mounted wikit starkit to the auto_path lappend auto_path [file dir $starkit::topdir]/wikit.kit/lib } Url_PrefixInstall /wikit [list wikitProc /wikit] proc wikitProc {prefix sock suffix} { upvar #0 Httpd$sock data global env auto_path WktDir # Set the CGI environment variables Cgi_SetEnv $sock $prefix set env(PATH_INFO) $suffix # Various WIKIT environment variables are set # This sets the WIKIT_BASE environment variable dynamically based on # the host portion of the url typed in the browser. This is good if # you are not going to have caching enabled. If caching will be # enabled I would set it to an IP address or FQDN Hostname. set env(WIKIT_BASE) http://$env(HTTP_HOST)$prefix/ # Uncomment the following if caching or history is required # set env(WIKIT_HIST) [file dir $starkit::topdir]/hist # set env(WIKIT_CACHE) [file dir $starkit::topdir]/cache # This sets the WIKIT_CSS environment variable # set env(WIKIT_CSS) /whipit2-css.css append data(query) "" # Use the Session Module in TclHttpd to create a slave interpreter. # A session state array is also created but we don't use it. This # maybe of some use if you have a need for a session based wiki. # # To emulate a CGI environment for Wikit, a slave interpreter is created # and then destroyed per request. # Destroy any old sessions that are laying around. Interpreters that have # been created but for some reason not destroyed. In this instance # 2 minutes is the setting. Session_Reap 120 Wkt # Create a new session. set session [Session_Create Wkt 0] if {![file exists $WktDir]} { append NoWikit "<H2>Download a copy of \ <A HREF=\"http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/wikit.kit\">wikit.kit</A> \ and place it in the same directory as whipit.kit</H2>\n" Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/html $NoWikit Session_Destroy $session return } if {[info exists env(WIKIT_CACHE)]} { if {[file exists $env(WIKIT_CACHE)$suffix.html]} { Httpd_ReturnFile $sock text/html $env(WIKIT_CACHE)$suffix.html Session_Destroy $session return } } set env(REDIRECT_URL) $prefix$suffix set html [WktProcess $session $data(query)] Httpd_ReturnData $sock text/html $html Session_Destroy $session } proc WktProcess {session query} { upvar #0 Session:$session state set interp $state(interp) global auto_path WktDir set WktCGI_LineNumber 0 set html "" # Redirect the read and puts in the slave interpreter # that runs Wikit. interp eval $interp {rename puts real_puts} interp alias $interp puts {} WktCGI_Puts $interp interp hidden $interp interp eval $interp {rename read real_read} interp alias $interp read {} WktCGI_Read $interp $query # Fool wikit to think it is running in it own Starkit so we can copy # the first ten pages from wikidoc.tkd interp eval $interp [list namespace eval starkit set topdir $WktDir] # Following taken from httpd.tcl for getting these variables into # a slave interpreter. # # Transfer the scalar global variables foreach var {::v ::auto_path} { $interp eval [list set $var [set $var]] } # Procedure that is run when the slave interpreter does a read. proc WktCGI_Read {interp query args} { if { [llength $args] == 2 && [lindex $args 0] == "stdin" } { return [$interp eval subst $query] } else { return [$interp eval real_read $args] } } # Precedure that is run when the slave interpreter does a puts. proc WktCGI_Puts {interp args} { upvar 1 WktCGI_LineNumber WktCGI_LineNumber upvar 1 html html if {[string match "-nonewline" [lindex $args 0]]} { set flag -nonewline set args [lrange $args 1 end] } else { set flag "" } if {[llength $args] == 1} { set chan stdout incr WktCGI_LineNumber if {$WktCGI_LineNumber <= 3} { return "" } else { append html [lindex $args end]\n } } elseif {[llength $args] == 2} { return [$interp eval real_puts $flag $args] } else { return [$interp error "wrong # args: should be \"puts ?-nonewline? ?channelId? string\""] } } # Setup and run Wikit. $interp eval { set argv0 tclkit set argv {} set argc 0 package require cgi #cgi_debug -on # Work around for getting lassign into the slave interpreter. # From "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk" Third Edition # by Brent B. Welch page 131. proc lassign {valueList args} { if {[llength $args] == 0 } { error "wrong # args: lassign list varname ?varname ..?" } if {[llength $valueList] == 0} { #Ensure one trip through the foreach loop set valueList [list {}] } uplevel 1 [list foreach $args $valueList {break}] return [lrange $valueList [llength $args] end] } # Source the starkit package require app-wikit } return $html }
MHo This approach has one drawback: only one Wiki(-database) can be hosted with this method...Jeff Smith 6 April 2006 - Just thinking out loud with a few modification this should be achieveable. You could setup a Url_PrefixInstall for each Wiki you wish to run. Then set argv of the wiki database you wish to access based on the prefix variable. To get history and caching working for each Wiki you could set WIKIT_HIST and WIKIT_CACHE based on the prefix variable also.MHo 2006/05/12 Yes, this is the way I currently doing things with Wikit - haven't tried whipit.kit yet. I'm interested in including this feature into my single starpack descriped in Tclhttpd Winservice. Some questions arise:
- The above patch seems to be already included in [3] - is it right?
- Haven't worked out yet if it is possible to include Wikit.kit itself into my starpack (nested VFS) - I don't think it will work, so I possibly have to include wikit unwrapped into my starpack, which is more difficult and makes further updating harder...
- Also, the directories used for the tkd, chache and hist must be configurable because under Windows data directories are always on different path then program directories.
- My current Domain handler for supporting multi-wikis is listed somewhere in the middle of Wikit configuration. I will try to merge everything together to support multiple Wikis out the of the box with my Tclhttpd Winservice.
Category Wikit - Category TclHttpd