Updated 2011-07-13 22:08:23 by RLE

Software that works with the Tcl/Tk Tclet Plugin.
 What: headache
 Where: http://home.earthlink.net/%7Ekarlgarrison/headache/   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Tile based hybrid of two classic strategy games: Set,
        which is a pattern-matching card game, and Shishen-Sho, which
        is a tile-based game similar to Mahjongg solitaire, except that
        the tiles are not stacked.  Written in Tcl/Tk.  Runs as a Tclet
        at the above URL.
 Updated: 08/1999
 Contact: mailto:karlgarrison@earthlink.net  (Karl Garrison) ???

 What: Hexplode
 Where: http://www.winton.freeserve.co.uk/tcl/hexplode.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Game for one to 5 friends .  Available as full featured
        stand alone version or single player Tclet version.
        Hexagonal grid based game.
 Updated: 11/1998
 Contact: mailto:neil@winton.freeserve.co.uk (Neil Winton)

 What: Maze exploring game
 Where: http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/tcl/#games/maze
 Description: Client/server maze game written in Tcl/Tk.  Still a work
        in progress.  The contact expressed some hope to run a server on
        his site, so that one could play this via a Tclet.
 Updated: 09/2000
 Contact: mailto:donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk (Donal K. Fellows)

 What: NetMon
 Where:   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Network monitoring software, written in Tcl/Tk
        that will run on Windows and Unix. Provides a visual
        diagram of your network, with easy device access and full
        drawing (and drag / drop) functionality.
        A version that runs on a web page, making use of the Tcl Plugin,
         is also available.
        Available only as binary.
        Currently at version 1.1 for Solaris, 1.2 for Linux and 1.21 for
         Windows NT.
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:born2net@telocity.com

 What: Netscape client Tcl plugin and Tclets
 Where: http://tclplugin.sf.net/
        ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-8.0/devel/tclplug2.1b1-unoff.exe ???
 Description: A Tcl/Tk plugin for Netscape Navigator 3.x ,
        Communicator 4.x and Internet Explorer 3.x is available.
        Binaries exist for Solaris 1 and 2 (SPARC and INTEL), Macintosh,
        Windows 95 or NT, and Linux.  HP-UX and IRIX binaries have been
        reportedly sited around the internet.
        Some newsgroup postings seem to imply that the plugin has also
        been able to be used on the Windows platform with Opera and
        theOther browser.
        The plugin enables support for Tcl/Tk 8.0 (in 2.0.x) Tclets
        embedded in an HTML page to be displayed interactively.
        As you read thru the above pages, you will also find
        demo pages for 2.0 Tclets which contain demos of
        sending email, inline Tclets, pack demo,
        javascript features and security policy,
        persistence and data sharing, tkconsole, 'version indicator' Tclet,
        draggable text demos, engraved text, bezier curve clock, a tcl ruler,
        interactive floor plan, calculator, tetris, 15 puzzle,
        animated coffee cup, eyes following mouse, ticker tape,
        line drawing program, mouse event tracing, oval drawing,
        bike gear ratio calculation, biorythms, mortgage calculator,
        and card game.
        A tutorial and FAQ for the plugin are also available.
        TclPlugin 2.0.x, because of its roots in Tk 8.0., provides native
        look and feel for Tclets.  Several new security policies are provided.
        Faster loading of Tclets are now possible.  Dynamic loading of
        Tcl extensions is now supported, when the plugin uses an external
        process to host Tclets.  It also supports a console for debugging.
        An updated version of the Windows binary plugin provides support for
        the latest Netscapes and Internet Explorers, works on Windows 95/98/NT,
        based on Tcl/Tk 8.2.1, and h as the plus, dash, and Img patches applied
        and supports stub enabled extensions.
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:tclplug@demailly.com

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Anderson)
 Where: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/%7Eanderson/code/pole-tcl.html
 Description: Tcl/Tk inverted pendulum balancing game that runs in the plugin.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:anderson@cs.colostate.edu (Charles W. Anderson)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Aphalo)
 Where: http://www.joensuu.fi/%7Eaphalo/photobio.html    (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Display relationship between wavelength and frequency
        in electromagnetic spectrum.
 Updated: 12/1996
 Contact: mailto:aphalo@cc.joensuu.fi (Pedro J. Aphalo)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Beker)
 Where: http://wwwcn.cern.ch/%7Eharry/rich.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: A particle physics demo, simulating a Ring Imaging CHerenkov
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:Harry.Beker@cern.ch (Harry Beker)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Cox)
 Where: http://www.ntlug.org/%7Eccox/impress/
 Description: ImPress allows you to create good quality documents using
        vector graphics.  Desktop publishing and presentation tool
        using Ghostscript.
        Available as an application as well as a plugin via the Tcl/Tk plugin.
        Also on these pages is a utility called font3d which vectorizes
        a Tcl string using a True Type font - which you can then scale,
        stretch, rotate, whatever.
        Operates on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Unix.  Compatible with
        Tcl/Tk 7.6, 8.0 and 8.1.
        Currently at version 1.1b9 .
 Notes: Tclet updated (without version bump) to fix some errors,  Site
        and Tclet should work much better now (04/2008).
 Updated: 04/2008
 Contact: mailto:cjcox@acm.org (Chris Cox)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Fontaine)
 Where: http://jfontain.free.fr/scwoop.htm   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Plugin compatible documentation for the SCWOOP Tk composite
        widget extension, with live Tclets demo-ing the features.
 Notes: The documentation is now at http://jfontain.free.fr/scwoop41.htm but
        no longer includes live Tclets.
 Updated: 03/2008
 Contact: mailto:jfontain@free.fr (Jean-Luc Fontaine)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Galluzzo)
 Where: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/5567/explode.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Game and sort of mini-WM for plugin.
 Updated: 06/1998
 Contact: mailto:Eric.Galluzzo@sdrc.com (Eric Galluzzo)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Gilbert)
 Where: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/amulet/staff/details/daveG/sinvader.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Tcl/Tk game similar to Space Invaders (TM).
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:gilbertd@cs.man.ac.uk (David Gilbert)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Gosnell)
 Where: http://www.members.xoom.com/Machtyn/   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Updated: 04/1999
 Contact: mailto:machtyn@earthlink.net (Jeff Gosnell)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Hobbs)
 Where: http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/Tclet/
 Description: Demo to demonstrate choosing colors, based on the
        contents of the X rgb.txt file, as well as
        hexagonal Tetris variant, based on TkTetris.  Supports
        auto-pause and multi-player mode.
        Requires Tcl/Tk 8.0+ or Tcl Netscape plugin.
 Updated: 03/2001
 Contact: mailto:jeff@hobbs.org

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Irmschler)
 Where: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/%7Eair/tcl/atb.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Drawing application that runs in plugin.
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:air@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de (Andrea Irmschler)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Joakim Gustafson)
 Where: http://www.speech.kth.se/labs/analysis/   (404 on 2008-03-12; this is the link that had the Tclets)

 Description: Set of exercises on speech technology.  Requires Snack.
        The html page is a paper describing the setup (with images of the Tclets)
 Updated: 03/2008
 Contact: mailto:jocke@speech.kth.se (try mailing Joakim if you are interested in these Tclets)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Kerr)
 Where: http://www.broadcom.ie/%7Edk/sliders.htm   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: A working test of the color slider demo.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:dave@broadcom.ie (David Kerr)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Knespl)
 Where: http://www.imr.psi.ch/applets/rainbow/mrainbow.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Electro-magnetic spectrum display Tclet.  Learn how
        light travels through the atmosphere.
 Updated: 09/1996
 Contact: mailto:David.Knespl@imr.psi.ch

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Libes)
 Where: http://www.nist.gov/mel/div826/src/stopwatch/
 Description: This Tcl/Tk Tclet is a stopwatch, good for getting down
        the timing on talks or individual slides in a talk.
 Updated: 10/1996
 Contact: mailto:libes@nist.gov (Don Libes)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Madhuram)
 Where: http://madhuram.tripod.com/tclpage.html
        http://challenge.dcn.cs.ucf.edu/%7Emadhuram/acads/tcltk/plot.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Interactive Graph Plotter and alertness tester.
 Updated: 02/2000
 Contact: mailto:rajkumar@vsl.ist.ucf.edu (C. Rajkumar Madhuram)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (March Systems Ltd.)
 Where: http://www.march.co.uk/smartdemo/smartdemo.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: A Tclet demo of March Systems Ltd. Security Manager Active
        Reporting Tool (SMART).
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:info@march.co.uk

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Moffat)
 Where: http://ipga.phys.ucl.ac.uk/research/arrays/rtt-demo.html
 Description: A demonstration of the bistable nature of a pair of
        resonant tunnelling transistors connected in series.
 Updated: 09/1996
 Contact: mailto:c.moffat@ucl.ac.uk (Colin Moffat)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Nagumo)
 Where: http://www.softlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/%7Enagumo/graph_demo.html
 Description: A graph drawing demo by Tclet.
              on 2008-03-12 the web server MIME types were misconfigured
 Updated: 03/2008
 Contact: mailto:nagumo@softlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp (Jun Nagumo)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Nakagawa)
 Where: http://www.score.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/%7Enakoji/interest/tclsample.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Appears to be a tcl evaluator.  Text primarily in Kanji.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:nakoji@score.is.tsukuba.ac.jp (Koji Nakagawa)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Nash)
 Where: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/%7Ewebscool/paper.html   (404 on 2008-03-12)
 Description: Paper written regarding new algorithm calculation.  Uses
              a Tclet for a diagram.
              The site http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~webscool/ is being reorganised.
 Updated: 03/2008
 Contact: mailto:webscool@ihug.co.nz (Paul Nash)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Ohtsuki)
 Where: http://limu.is.kyushu-u.ac.jp/%7Eohtsuki/tcltk/scale.html
 Description: Yet another RGB display.  This one is interested primarily
        because the text, other than the program itself, is all in
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:ohtsuki@limu.is.kyushu-u.ac.jp

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Radajewski)
 Where: http://www.sci.usq.edu.au/%7Ejacek/calculator/
 Description: YATTS Calculator is a very nice math calculator, with
        trig, memory, and other functions.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:jacek@usq.edu.au (Jacek Radajewski)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Runge)
 Where: http://www.crl.com/%7Erunge/mandelstep/
 Description: Tk Tclet to manuveur about in a Mandelbrot set.
 Updated: 04/1997
 Contact: mailto:runge@crl.com (Karl J. Runge)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Schelter)
 Where: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/wfs/netmath/demo/demo.html
 Description: Netmath is a web browser with built in plotting facilities
        and interface to computation engines.
 Updated: 06/1999
 Contact: mailto:wfs@math.utexas.edu

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Smith)
 Where: http://laz.uoregon.edu/%7Espencera/first.html
 Description: A simple X color picker Tclet .
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:spencera@cs.uoregon.edu (Spencer A. Smith)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet (Werres)
 Where: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/%7Ewerres/spotgame.html
 Description: Interative game of spots.  Reminds me of a programmable
        Life game.  You write up an algorithm of 'infection' and then
        set the spots off infecting one another.
 Updated: 12/1996
 Contact: mailto:werres@informatik.uni-bremen.de (York Werres)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet game (Peacock)
 Where: http://www.jameswatt.ac.uk/games/rot.htm
 Description: Tk Tclet implementation of Othello.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:rap@jameswatt.ac.uk (Ronnie Peacock)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet puzzle (Smith)
 Where: http://www.glinx.com/%7Ehclsmith/plugin.html ???
 Description: Tclet piece puzzle - Tktiles.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:hclsmith.delete@glinx.delete.com (Hume Smith)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Allen)
 Where: http://www.neuron.com/stewart/vtcl/Tclets/
 Description: 4 demo Tclets created using Stewart Allen's VisualTcl
        development tool.
 Updated: 04/1997
 Contact: mailto:stewart@neuron.com (Stewart Allen)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Ballet)
 Where: http://www.club.innet.be/%7Ejballet/
 Description: Misc set of Tclets, including bouncing balls,
        ants, and showing arguments.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:jballet@innet.be (Joris Ballet)
 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Caldwell)
 Where: http://www.psnw.com/%7Ealcald/map.html
 Description: A small and large view of a Soaring Task Map chart.
        Also the application for gathering GPS data and displaying on
        a map where the GPS receiver is lcoated is available.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:alcald@psnw.com (Alex Caldwell)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Cody)
 Where: http://www.dfw.net/%7Emcody/wavelet.html
 Description: Read the first WWW page to learn about wavelets.
        The second demonstrates the mathematical concept of
        Bezier lines and polygons.
 Updated: 05/1997
 Contact: mailto:macody@swbell.net (Mac A. Cody)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Critchlow)
 Where: http://www.elf.org/tclplugin/
 Description: A mankala game, screen saver animation, maze generator, and
        poetry Tclet, as well as a demo of
        how to embed your Tclet into a web page with the
        aid of a two word tcl source.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:rec@elf.org (Roger E. Critchlow Jr.)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Demailly)
 Where: http://www.lyot.obspm.fr/%7Edl/Tclets/
 Description: A go game, an adaptive optics simulation demo,
        and an IRC Tclet are all available at this time.
        are available at this time.
 Updated: 06/1997
 Contact: mailto:L@demailly.com (Laurent Demailly)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Dyer)
 Where: http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/%7Edyer/Tclets.html
 Description: Tcl/Tk worm eating food and avoiding fence game.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:dyer@darmstadt.dme.de (Peter Dyer)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Fellows)
 Where: http://www.man.ac.uk/~zzcgudf/tcl/
 Description: Games include Breakout, Frogger, and Paper, Scissors, Stone.
 Updated: 11/1998
 Contact: mailto:donal.k.fellows@man.ac.uk (Donal K. Fellows)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Gupta)
 Where: http://www.rt66.com/proveit/TCL/starmap.html
 Description: Includes a zooming star map and cube.
 Updated: 09/1996
 Contact: mailto:proveit@rt66.com (Sarang Gupta)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Hobbs)
 Where: http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/code/Tclet/
 Description: Consists of TkTetris (a Tclet based game), Color Chooser,
        examples of things like how to limit the characters in a text widget,
        paned window manage,
        and an Online Tk Console demo.
 Updated: 03/2001
 Contact: mailto:jeff@hobbs.org (Jeffrey Hobbs)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Holeman)
 Where: http://emle.sourceforge.net/
 Description: Said to be the beginnings of an online math laboratory.
 Updated: 4/2003
 Contact: mailto:cwhii_emle@julianlocals.com (C.W.Holeman II)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Kempson)
 Where: http://public.logica.com/%7Ekempsonc/
 Description: A ticker-tape Tclet which depends on the Tcl/Tk plugin.
        Supports multiple scrolling messages, in different colors, with
        scrolling in four directions, as well as flashing.
 Contact: mailto:charlie@siren.demon.co.uk (Charlie Kempson)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Krone)
 Where: http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/%7Ekrischan/patience-english.html
 Description: The first is a Tclet to play Patience (a solitaire card game),
        while the second is some Tcl/Tk code that allows you to view
        Tclets outside of Netscape/Microsoft IE.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:krischan@cs.tu-berlin.de (Christian Krone)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Lehmkuhl)
 Where: http://home.t-online.de/home/achiml/
 Description: Tcl/Tk interactive drawing Tclet and scrambled puzzle Tclet.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:achiml@t-online.de (Achim Lehmkuhl)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Mata)
 Where: http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/%7Ecristian/PlayMoog.html
 Description: Tclet game of carpet cutting skills and a demo of a two circle
        intersection algorithm.
 Updated: 04/1997
 Contact: mailto:cristian@cs.sunysb.edu (Cristian Mata)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Mattias)
 Where: http://www.spaceship.com/%7Emattias/poetry.html
 Description: Magnetic Poetry. Drag and drop words in the window to
        make your own poetry.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:mattias@spaceship.com (Mattias V. Bertelsen)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (McCaskey)
 Where: http://www-leland.stanford.edu/%7Emccaskey/
 Description: Serious Series is a a flexible Tk plotting Tclet for
        producing points, lines, columns, multiple axes, annotations, etc.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:mccaskey@leland.stanford.edu (John McCaskey)
 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (McLennan and others)
 Where: http://www.tcltk.com/Tclets/
 Description: Site is yet another page of pointers to Tclets around
        the web.  The ones unique to this site are the Solitaire
        and Maxteroids games.
 Updated: 06/2000
 Contact: mailto:webnet@wn.com (WebNet Technologies)
        mailto:mmc@cadence.com (Michael J. McLennan)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Miller)
 Where: http://www.nucleus.net/britest/Tclets/
 Description: Hex-value Color Picker Tclet.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: Unknown (Brian Miller)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (NeoSoft)
 Where: ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/plugin/demos/default.html
 Description: Digital clock, analog clock, modern clock,
        variable speed filmstrip player, reversible filmstrip player.
 Updated: 09/1996
 Contact: mailto:karl@neosoft.com

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Roseman)
 Where: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/projects/grouplab/wbTclet/
 Description: A white board Tclet and a Oustervote Tclet.
 Updated: 04/1997
 Contact: mailto:roseman@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Mark Roseman)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclets (Yoshida)
 Where: http://www.ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp/%7Eyoshida/tcl_tk/
 Description: A sample page which identifies that you have
        the plugin installed, as well as
        a page demoing hello world and a calculator.
        Again, the text is all in Kanji.
 Updated: 03/1997
 Contact: mailto:yoshida@ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp (YOSHIDA Norishige)

 What: Spynergy Weblet Developer(TM)
 Where: http://www.eolas.com/
 Description: Commercial GUI builder which supports all platforms and
        supports the latest versions of Tcl/Tk.  It has a free 2-4 week
        trial period for the entire package.  Supports Tclet developement
        with enhanced security, etc.
 Updated: 11/1996
 Contact: mailto:info@eolas.com

 What: Stopwatch (Shijo)
 Where: http://www.hf.rim.or.jp/%7Enagao/stopwatch1.0.tar.gz
 Description: A simple stopwatch implemented in Tcl/Tk.
        This script works as both Tclet and stand alone program.
        He has also written a perl/Tk driver for gnuplot 3.7 - contact him
        for it.
        Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 or newer version including Tcl8.0/Tk8.0 is required.
 Updated: 12/1997
 Contact: mailto:nagao@hf.rim.or.jp (Nagao Shijo)

 What: TkTetris
 Where: http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/Tclet/tetris.html
 Description: A Tk 8.0 based game, similar to the standard tetris,
        with auto-statistics, auto-pause, shadowing.  Now at version 3.2.
        Besides being a Tclet, this game can also be played stand-alone,
        and as such, provides more features.
 Updated: 03/2001
 Contact: mailto:jeff@hobbs.org (Jeffrey Hobbs)

 What: tktiles
 Where: http://www.glinx.com/%7Ehclsmith/plugin.html ???
 Description: What X toolkit is complete until a Sam Lloyd 14-15
        type puzzle is written in it?  Now works as a Tclet as well.
 Updated: 09/1999
 Contact: mailto:hclsmith.delete@glinx.delete.com (Hume Smith)

 What: TkVP
 Where: http://www.cs.umn.edu/Research/GIMME/video-poker.html
 Description: A video poker application built using TclProp.  It is a
        traditional casino-style game.  It is designed as an intro to
        using TclProp and declarative programming in general.
        For more information, see http://www.cs.umn.edu/Research/GIMME/.
        TkVP is also available as a Tclet at the above URL.
 Updated: 12/1996
 Contact: mailto:tkvp-request@cs.umn.edu (TkVP admin requests)

 What: Netscape client Tcl Tclet demo (POSC)
 Where: http://www.posc.org/poscLive/epi_map.html

 What: Hurricane Forecast Track and Winds viewer
 Where: http://www.impactweather.com/tclplugin/RA.html
 Updated: 10/2005
 Contact: mailto:deyre@impactweather.com {Devin Eyre}