##+########################################################################## # # Parallel Geturl -- package (and demo) that efficiently downloads large # numbers of web pages while also handling timeout failures. Web requests # are queued up and a set number are simultaneously fired off. As requests # complete, new ones of popped off the queue and launched. # by Keith Vetter, March 5, 2004 package require Tk package require http namespace eval PGU { variable options ;# User tweakable values variable queue ;# Request queue variable qhead 1 ;# First empty slot variable qtail 0 ;# Last in use slot variable stats ;# Array of statistics variable wait 0 ;# For vwait array set options {-degree 50 -timeout 30000 -maxRetries 5} proc ::PGU::Reset {} { variable queue variable stats variable qhead 1 variable qtail 0 variable wait 0 catch {unset queue} array set queue {} array set stats {qlen 0 pending 0 done 0 timeouts 0} } ::PGU::Reset } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::Config -- allow user to configure some parameters # proc ::PGU::Config {args} { variable options set o [lsort [array names options]] if {[llength $args] == 0} { ;# Return all results set result {} foreach name $o { lappend result $name $options($name) } return $result } foreach {flag value} $args { ;# Get one or set some if {[lsearch $o $flag] == -1} { return -code error "Unknown option $flag, must be: [join $o ", "]" } if {[llength $args] == 1} { ;# Get one config value return $options($flag) } set options($flag) $value ;# Set the config value } } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::Add -- adds a url and callback command to are request queue # proc ::PGU::Add {url cmd {nolaunch 0}} { variable queue ; variable qtail ; variable stats set queue([incr qtail]) [list $url $cmd 0] incr stats(qlen) DEMO:ShowStatus $qtail queued ;# REMOVE if not demo if {$nolaunch} return ::PGU::Launch } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::Launch -- launches web requests if we have the capacity # proc ::PGU::Launch {} { variable queue variable qtail variable qhead variable options variable stats while {1} { if {$qtail < $qhead} return ;# Empty queue if {$stats(pending) >= $options(-degree)} return ;# No slots open set id $qhead incr qhead incr stats(pending) incr stats(qlen) -1 DEMO:ShowStatus $id pending ;# REMOVE if not demo set url [lindex $queue($id) 0] ::http::geturl $url -timeout $options(-timeout) \ -command [list ::PGU::_HTTPCommand $id] } } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::_HTTPCommand -- our geturl callback command that handles # queue maintenance, timeout retries and user callbacks. # proc ::PGU::_HTTPCommand {id token} { variable queue variable stats variable options variable wait foreach {url cmd cnt} $queue($id) break set status [::http::status $token] if {$status == "timeout"} { incr stats(timeouts) incr cnt -1 if {abs($cnt) < $options(-maxRetries)} { ::http::cleanup $token DEMO:ShowStatus $id timeout ;# REMOVE if not demo lset queue($id) 2 $cnt ;# Remember retry attempts ::http::geturl $url -timeout $options(-timeout) \ -command [list ::PGU::_HTTPCommand $id] return } DEMO:ShowStatus $id failure ;# REMOVE if not demo } else { DEMO:ShowStatus $id done ;# REMOVE if not demo } incr stats(pending) -1 ;# One less outstanding request incr stats(done) ::PGU::Launch ;# Try launching another request set n [catch {eval $cmd $token} emsg] if {$n} {puts stderr "ERRORX: $emsg\n" set ::CMD "$cmd $token" } ::http::cleanup $token if {$stats(qlen) == 0 && $stats(pending) == 0} { ;# If done trigger vwait set wait 1 } } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::Wait -- blocks until all geturl request queue is empty # proc ::PGU::Wait {} { vwait ::PGU::wait } ##+########################################################################## # # ::PGU::Status -- returns some statistics of the current state # proc ::PGU::Status {} { variable stats return [list $stats(qlen) $stats(pending) $stats(done) $stats(timeouts)] } ################################################################ ################################################################ ################################################################ # # DEMO CODE # # array set colors "queued blue pending yellow done green timeout orange failure red unused [. cget -bg]" # Called by PGU code to update squares w/ appropriate status color proc DEMO:ShowStatus {id status} { .f.l$id config -bg $::colors($status) } # Our callback to the ::http::geturl command proc HTTPCommand {id token} { global status Tick ;# Update statistics return # Code to save off the web page data set fname "maps/${id}_[expr {int(rand() * 1000)}].jpg" set fout [open $fname "w"] fconfigure $fout -translation binary puts -nonewline $fout [::http::data $token] close $fout } # Puts up our (more and more complex) demo GUI proc DoDisplay {} { wm title . "Parallel Geturl" label .j; .j configure -font "[font actual [.j cget -font]] -weight bold" catch {font delete myBold} ; eval font create myBold [.j cget -font] frame .f -bd 2 -relief raised frame .ctrl -bd 2 -relief ridge frame .key -bd 2 -relief ridge grid .f .ctrl -row 0 -sticky news # Draw all the cells set ID 0 for {set row 0} {$row < 25} {incr row} { for {set col 0} {$col < 15} {incr col} { set w .f.l[incr ID] label $w -width 4 -bd 2 -relief sunken -text $ID -fg gray50 grid $w -row $row -column $col } } # Key section set cnt 3 label .key.key -text KEY -font myBold -bd 2 -relief raised grid .key.key - - -row 0 -sticky ew -pady {0 5} foreach state {unused queued pending done timeout failure} { label .key.$state -bd 2 -relief ridge -bg $::colors($state) \ -font myBold -text [string totitle $state] grid .key.$state -row [expr {$cnt / 3}] -column [expr {$cnt % 3}] \ -padx 10 -sticky ew incr cnt } .key.queued config -fg white grid rowconfigure .key 100 -minsize 5 grid columnconfigure .key 1 -weight 1 # Stats section frame .stats -bd 2 -relief ridge label .stats.stats -text STATS -font myBold -bd 2 -relief raised grid .stats.stats - -row 0 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure .stats 1 -weight 1 foreach w {start duration qlen pending done timeouts} { set title [string totitle $w] label .$w -text "$title:" -anchor e -font myBold label ._$w -textvariable status($w) -anchor w -font myBold -width 9 grid .$w ._$w -in .stats -sticky ew } .qlen config -text "Queue" # Configuration section frame .config -bd 2 -relief ridge label .config.config -text CONFIGURATION -font myBold -bd 2 -relief raised grid .config.config - -row 0 -sticky ew grid columnconfigure .config 1 -weight 1 label .config.cnt -text "Test Count:" -font myBold -anchor e scale .config.scnt -orient h -from 1 -to $ID -font myBold -relief ridge \ -variable status(cnt) -command Squares label .config.degree -text "Parallelism:" -font myBold -anchor e scale .config.sdegree -orient h -from 1 -to 200 -font myBold \ -relief ridge -variable ::PGU::options(-degree) label .config.timeout -text Timeout: -font myBold -anchor e scale .config.stime -orient h -from 1000 -to 60000 -font myBold \ -relief ridge -variable ::PGU::options(-timeout) -resolution 1000 grid .config.cnt .config.scnt -sticky ew grid .config.degree .config.sdegree -sticky ew grid .config.timeout .config.stime -sticky ew label .finish -fg red -textvariable status(finish) \ -font "[font actual myBold] -size 18" frame .frun -bd 2 -relief sunken -padx 10 -pady 10 button .run -text "Run Demo" -font myBold -command RunDemo grid .key -in .ctrl -sticky new grid .stats -in .ctrl -sticky new -pady 5 grid .config -in .ctrl -sticky sew grid rowconfigure .ctrl 50 -weight 1 grid .finish -in .ctrl -row 60 grid .frun -in .ctrl -pady 10 grid .run -in .frun button .about -text "?" -font myBold -command About place .about -in .ctrl -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor se bind all <Key-F2> {console show} } proc RunDemo {{n {}}} { global status if {$n == {}} {set n $status(cnt)} set status(milli) [clock clicks -milliseconds] set status(start) [clock format [clock seconds] -format %T] foreach w {duration qlen pending done timeouts} {set status($w) 0} set status(finish) "" Busy 1 # Start the downloads ::PGU::Reset Tick for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { set url [GenerateURL $i] ::PGU::Add $url [list HTTPCommand $i] 1 } ::PGU::Launch ::PGU::Wait set status(finish) "DONE" Busy 0 } proc Tick {} { global status after cancel $status(aid,tick) if {$status(finish) != ""} return set milli [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $status(milli)}] set status(duration) [expr {round($milli / 100) / 10.0}] foreach {status(qlen) status(pending) status(done) status(timeouts)} \ [::PGU::Status] break set status(aid,tick) [after 1000 Tick] } proc Busy {onoff} { set state [expr {$onoff ? "disabled" : "normal"}] set fg [expr {$onoff ? "gray50" : "black"}] foreach w [concat [winfo child .config] .run] { if {$w == ".config.config"} continue $w config -state $state -fg $fg } } proc Squares {n} { for {set i 1} {[winfo exists .f.l$i]} {incr i} { .f.l$i config -bg $::colors(unused) \ -fg [expr {$i > $n ? "gray50" : "black"}] } } proc About {} { set msg "Parallel Geturl\nby Keith Vetter, March 5, 2004\n\n" append msg "This program demonstrates an efficient way to\n" append msg "download a large number of web pages while also\n" append msg "handling timeout failures. Web requests are queued\n" append msg "up and a set number of them are simultaneously\n" append msg "launched. As request complete, new ones are\n" append msg "popped off the queue and fired." tk_messageBox -message $msg -title "About Parallel Geturl" } # Creates a url to fetch a semi random page from the Terraserver proc GenerateURL {id} { set y [expr {5000 + int(rand() * 1000)}] ;# Avoid caching affects set x [expr {400 + $id}] set url "http://terraserver.microsoft.com/tile.ashx?T=2&S=12&W=0&Z=17" append url "&Y=$y&X=$x" return $url } set status(aid,tick) 0 set status(cnt) 100 DoDisplay
The TIL contains a rather similar package called massgeturl. The package is a bit more advanced. For example, it handles redirects and can control the number of outbound connections for sites. To do this it has a simplistic queuing system and URLs to be fetched have priorities to control which one will be fetched next when being popped out of the queue. EF
uniquename 2013aug19For the readers who do not have the time/facilities/whatever to setup the code above and then execute it, here is an image of the GUI that this code produces.
- since I do not have the 'http' package installed, I commented out the check for that package
- I added the following statement to the top of the code (to run on a Linux distro)