proc main {} { pack [canvas .c -width 240 -height 280] set ::x0 150; set ::y0 190 set ::pi_4 [expr atan(1)] # ETFS configurability: uncomment what you want set t [time {ccurve .c 120 0 2}] #set t [time {dragon .c 160 0 1 2.4}] wm title . "[expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000000.}] sec" bind . <Return> {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} }# C curve drawer, translated from Lisp
proc ccurve {w len angle minlen} { if {$len<$minlen} { plotline $w $len $angle } else { set len [expr {$len/sqrt(2)}] ccurve $w $len [expr {$angle+$::pi_4}] $minlen ccurve $w $len [expr {$angle-$::pi_4}] $minlen } }# Dragon curve drawer
proc dragon {w len angle s minlen} { global pi_4 if {$len<$minlen} { plotline $w $len $angle } else { set len [expr {$len/sqrt(2)}] dragon $w $len [expr {$angle+$s*$pi_4}] 1 $minlen dragon $w $len [expr {$angle-$s*$pi_4}] -1 $minlen } }# Plot a line from last end point in specified direction and length
proc plotline {w len ang} { global x0 y0 update set x [expr {$x0-$len*sin($ang)}] set y [expr {$y0-$len*cos($ang)}] $w create line $x0 $y0 $x $y set x0 $x; set y0 $y }# Let's go!
NEM Very nice. Of course, the [update] call in the code slows it down quite a lot. ccurve takes just over 2 seconds with the update on my box (2.4GHz pentium4), while without the update takes just 0.12 seconds. A marginal speed increase can be had by precomputing the sqrt(2). To get a trade-off between speed and updating the GUI, perhaps it would be better to update the screen once a second or so:
proc plotline {w len ang} { global x0 y0 time if {[clock seconds] > $time} { update; set time [clock seconds] } set x [expr {$x0-$len*sin($ang)}] set y [expr {$y0-$len*cos($ang)}] $w create line $x0 $y0 $x $y set x0 $x; set y0 $y } set ::time [clock seconds] mainI haven't tested this as it takes less than a second to run on my machine at uni.
MS proposes the following: first replace in main
set ::x0 150; set ::y0 190by
set ::points {150 190}and then redefine plotline to draw only every say 100 points, using a single call to the canvas.
set count0 100 set count 100 proc plotline {w len ang} { global points set x0 [lindex $points end-1] set y0 [lindex $points end] set x [expr {$x0-$len*sin($ang)}] set y [expr {$y0-$len*cos($ang)}] lappend points $x $y if {![incr ::count -1]} { $w create line $points set points [list $x $y] update set ::count $::count0 } }This is noticeably faster already: on my machine the c-curve takes 0.2 sec (down from 4 sec), the dragon curve takes 0.6 sec (down from 16 sec).Further optimisations are possible in the algorithm itself: inlining the values of 'sqrt(2)' and 'pi_4', replacing the second recursive call by a while loop, maybe specialised trig computations. But the effect will not be as large as this.RS: Hm... is this worse in performance? At least it's simpler (and brings runtime on the iPaq down to 12 resp. 20 sec):
proc plotline {w len ang} { global points set x [expr {[lindex $points end-1]-$len*sin($ang)}] set y [expr {[lindex $points end]-$len*cos($ang)}] if {[llength [lappend points $x $y]]>200} { $w create line $points set points [list $x $y] update } }MS notes that it is indeed simpler ... and probably faster too. Even faster is
proc plotline {w len ang} { global points lappend points [expr {[lindex $points end-1]-$len*sin($ang)}] lappend points [expr {[lindex $points end-1]-$len*cos($ang)}] if {[llength points]>200} { $w create line $points set points [lrange $point end-1 end] update } }
Just for the sake of it: most floating point operations can be eliminated, as shown in Recursive curves (table based). But it is not that much faster.