package require Tk #----------------------------------- tim: Tcl input manager set tim(modes) {ar cn gr he hi jp kr ru tr} proc tim {w args} { global tim array set opt [concat { -font {{Bitstream Cyberbit} 8} -msg "" -to "" -mode cn} $args] set tim(to) $opt(-to) set tim(menu) " $opt(-msg)" set tim(mode) $opt(-mode) set f $opt(-font) set tim(w) [frame $w] entry $w.entry -width 5 -font $f -textvar tim(entry) -borderw 1 label $w.favorite -width 4 -font $f -textvar tim(favorite) label $ -width 20 -font $f -textvar tim(menu) -anchor w pack $w.entry $w.favorite -side left pack $ -fill x -expand 1 bind $w.entry <Up> "tim_showMenu $ - -10" bind $w.entry <Down> "tim_showMenu $ - 10" bind $w.entry <KeyPress> [list after 10 [list tim_handle $ %A %k]] bind $w.entry <Return> {tim_newline; break} bind $w.entry <FocusIn> [list $w.favorite config -bg yellow] bind $w.entry <FocusOut> [list $w.favorite config -bg [$w cget -bg]] focus $w.entry set w } proc tim_mode {} { global tim set w $tim(to) foreach tag [bindtags $w] { if {[lsearch $tim(modes) $tag]<0} { lappend tags $tag } } if {$tim(mode) in {ru gr hi tr he}} { set tags [concat $tim(mode) $tags] $tim(w).entry config -state disabled -bg grey set tim(menu) "$tim(mode) ready" focus $w ikey .c $tim(mode) } else { $tim(w).entry config -state normal -bg white focus $tim(w).entry set tim(menu) " Ready for pinyin/romaji input" } $w tag add all 1.0 end $w tag config all -justify [expr {[lsearch {ar he} $tim(mode)]>=0? "right":"left"}] bindtags $w $tags set tim(entry) ""; set tim(favorite) "" } proc ikey {c language} { set keys $::ikey($language) set f {{Bitstream Cyberbit} 10 bold} if {$language eq "hi"} { set f {Mangal 10 bold} .f.t config -font $f -width 24 -height 6;# HACK $c config -height 300 } set x 7; set y 7 $c delete all foreach key [clist $keys] { $c create text $x $y -text $key -tag ikey \ -font $f if [incr x 14]>220 {set x 7; incr y 14} } $c bind ikey <1> { set it [%W find withtag current] %W itemconf $it -fill red after 200 "%W itemconf $it -fill black" set c [%W itemcget $it -text] if {$c eq "<"} { event generate . <BackSpace> } else { if {$c eq "_"} {set c " "} catch {[focus] insert insert $c} if {$c>="\u05d0" && $c<="\u05ea"} { event generate . <Left> } } } }if 0 {Turn a compact character list, e.g. {a-d fx z} into a regular one: {a b c d f x z}.
} proc clist list { set res "" foreach item [lappend list "_,;.<"] { if [regexp {^(.)-(.)$} $item -> from to] { scan $to %c to for {set i [scan $from %c]} {$i<=$to} {incr i} { lappend res [format %c $i] } } else { foreach i [split $item ""] { lappend res $i } } } set res } array set ::ikey { ru {\u0410-\u044f} gr {1-9 0 - \u0391-\u03a1 \u03a3-\u03b0 \u03ca-\u03ce \u3b1-\u03c9} he {\u05d0-\u05ea} hi {\u0905-\u0961} tr {A\xc2 BC\xc7 D-G \u011eHI\u0130\xce J-O Ö P-S \u015eTUÜ\xdb V-Z a\xe2 bc\xe7 d-g \u011fh\u0131i\xee j-o ö p-s \u015ftuü\xfb v-z} } proc tim_handle {w key keycode} { if {$key eq {} && $keycode!=8 || $key eq "\x0D"} return global tim set mode $tim(mode) upvar #0 tim_tbl_$mode tbl upvar #0 tim_fav_$mode fav switch -regexp -- $key { {^ $} { set here [$tim(to) index insert] if {$tim(favorite)!=""} { $tim(to) insert insert $tim(favorite) } else {$tim(to) insert insert " "} if {[lsearch {ar he} $tim(mode)]>=0} {$tim(to) mark set insert $here} } {[-A-Za-zü.'*]|^$} { set tim(menu) {}; set tim(favorite) {} if [info exist tbl($tim(entry))] {tim_showMenu $w $tbl($tim(entry))} if {$tim(mode) eq "ar"} { set tim(favorite) " [arblish $tim(entry)]" } elseif {$tim(mode) eq "kr"} { set tim(favorite) [hanglish $tim(entry)] } elseif [info exist fav($tim(entry))] { set tim(favorite) [dgb2uc $fav($tim(entry))] } elseif {$tim(mode) eq "jp"} { set tim(favorite) [a2kana $tim(entry)] } else {set tim(favorite) [string index $tim(menu) 1]} return ;# omit the clearing at end of proc } {[0-9]} { if {$tim(entry)==$key} { if {$tim(mode) eq "ar"} {set key [arblish -digits $key]} $tim(to) insert insert $key set tim(entry) "" return } if {$key == 0} {set key 10} ;# 0 comes after 9 in menu,kbd set char [string index $tim(menu) [expr {$key*2-1}]] $tim(to) insert insert $char set stem [string range $tim(entry) 0 end-1] if {![info exist fav($stem)]} {set fav($stem) [uc2dgb $char]} } default {$tim(to) insert insert $key} } set tim(entry) ""; set tim(menu) ""; set tim(favorite) "" } proc tim_newline {} { global tim set w $tim(to) if {[lsearch {ar he} $tim(mode)]>=0} { $w mark set insert {insert lineend} } $w insert insert \n } proc tim_showMenu {w {from -} {increment 0}} { global tim if {$from!="-"} { set tim(dbcs) $from ;# explicit start point was set } else {set from [incr tim(dbcs) $increment]} set tim(menu) "" for {set i 1} {$i<=10} {incr i} { if {$from%100>94} {incr from 6} append tim(menu) [expr {$i%10}] [dgb2uc $from] ;#" " incr from } append tim(menu) ($tim(dbcs)) } proc dgb2uc dlist { set res "" global tim foreach d $dlist { set b1 [format %c [expr {$d/100+160}]] set b2 [format %c [expr {$d%100+160}]] append res [encoding convertfrom euc-$tim(mode) $b1$b2] } set res } proc uc2dgb uc { global tim set res "" foreach byte [split [encoding convertto euc-$tim(mode) $uc] ""] { scan $byte %c uc append res [format %02d [expr {$uc-160}]] } set res } if {[file exists [file dirname [info script]]/sep_arab.tcl]} { source [file dirname [info script]]/sep_arab.tcl } array set tim_fav_ar { ' \u0621 | \u0622 > \u0623 & \u0624 < \u0625 \} \u0626 A \u0627 b \u0628 p \u0629 t \u062A v \u062B j \u062C H \u062D x \u062E d \u062F * \u0630 r \u0631 z \u0632 s \u0633 $ \u0634 S \u0635 D \u0636 T \u0637 Z \u0638 E \u0639 g \u063A _ \u0640 f \u0641 q \u0642 k \u0643 l \u0644 m \u0645 n \u0646 h \u0647 w \u0648 Y \u0649 y \u064A F \u064B N \u064C K \u064D a \u064e u \u064F i \u0650 ~ \u0651 o \u0652 ` \u0670 \{ \u0671 c \u0634 V \u0630 } # ------------------------------------------------- ar: Arabic # cn: Chinese - Starting positions of Pinyin syllables in GB2312-80 array set tim_tbl_cn { . 102 a 1601 ai 1603 an 1618 ang 1625 ao 1628 ba 1637 bai 1655 ban 1663 bang 1678 bao 1690 bei 1713 ben 1728 beng 1732 bi 1738 bian 1762 biao 1774 bie 1778 bin 1782 bing 1787 bo 1803 bu 1822 ca 1833 cai 1834 can 1844 cang 1852 cao 1857 ce 1862 ceng 1867 cha 1869 chai 1881 chan 1884 chang 1893 chao 1912 che 1921 chen 1927 cheng 1937 chi 1952 chong 1968 chou 1973 chu 1985 chuan 2008 chuang 2015 chui 2021 chun 2026 chuo 2033 ci 2035 cong 2047 cou 2053 cu 2054 cuan 2058 cui 2061 cun 2069 cuo 2072 da 2078 dai 2084 dan 2102 dang 2117 dao 2122 de 2134 deng 2137 di 2144 dian 2163 diao 2179 die 2188 ding 2201 diu 2210 dong 2211 dou 2221 du 2228 duan 2243 dui 2249 dun 2253 duo 2262 e 2274 en 2287 er 2288 fa 2302 fan 2310 fang 2327 fei 2338 fen 2350 feng 2365 fo 2380 fou 2381 fu 2382 ga 2433 gan 2441 gang 2452 gao 2461 ge 2471 gei 2488 gen 2489 geng 2491 gong 2504 gou 2519 gu 2528 gua 2546 guai 2552 guan 2555 guang 2566 gui 2569 gun 2585 guo 2588 ha 2594 hai 2601 han 2608 hang 2628 hao 2630 he 2639 hei 2657 hen 2659 heng 2663 hong 2668 hou 2677 hu 2684 hua 2708 huai 2717 huan 2722 huang 2736 hui 2750 hun 2771 huo 2778 ji 2787 jia 2846 jian 2863 jiang 2909 jiao 2922 jie 2950 jin 2977 jing 3005 jiong 3028 jiu 3030 ju 3047 juan 3072 jue 3085 jun 3089 ka 3106 kai 3110 kan 3115 kang 3121 kao 3128 ke 3132 ken 3147 kong 3113 kou 3157 ku 3161 kua 3169 kuai 3173 kuan 3177 kuang 3179 kui 3187 kun 3204 kuo 3208 la 3212 lai 3219 lan 3221 lang 3237 lao 3244 le 3253 leng 3266 li 3269 lia 3309 lian 3310 liang 3324 liao 3335 lie 3348 lin 3353 ling 3364 liu 3379 long 3390 lou 3405 lu 3411 lü 3432 lua 3445 lun 3453 luo 3460 ma 3472 mai 3481 man 3487 mang 3502 mao 3508 me 3520 mei 3521 men 3537 meng 3540 mi 3548 mian 3562 miao 3571 mie 3580 min 3581 ming 3587 mo 3594 mou 3617 mu 3620 na 3635 nai 3641 nan 3647 nao 3652 ne 3656 neng 3660 ni 3661 nian 3672 niang 3679 niao 3681 nie 3683 nin 3690 ning 3691 niu 3703 nong 3707 nu 3711 nü 3714 nuan 3715 nuo 3721 o 3722 ou 3723 pa 3730 pai 3736 pan 3742 pang 3750 pao 3756 pe 3762 pei 3771 peng 3773 pi 3787 pian 3810 piao 3814 pin 3820 ping 3825 po 3834 pu 3843 qi 3858 qia 3901 qian 3903 qiang 3925 qiao 3933 qie 3948 qin 3953 qing 3964 qiong 3978 qiu 3979 qu 3987 quan 4006 que 4017 qun 4025 ran 4027 rang 4031 rao 4036 re 4039 ren 4041 reng 4051 ri 4053 rong 4056 rou 4064 ru 4067 ruan 4077 rui 4080 ruo 4084 sa 4086 sai 4089 san 4093 sang 4103 sao 4106 se 4110 sen 4113 sha 4115 shan 4127 shang 4142 shao 4150 she 4163 shen 4173 sheng 4189 shi 4206 shou 4253 shu 4263 shua 4302 shuan 4308 shuang 4310 shui 4313 shun 4318 shuo 4321 si 4325 song 4341 sou 4349 su 4351 suan 4365 sui 4368 sun 4378 suo 4385 ta 4390 tai 4405 tan 4414 tang 4432 tao 4445 te 4456 teng 4457 ti 4461 tian 4476 tiao 4484 tie 4489 ting 4492 tong 4508 tou 4521 tu 4525 tuan 4536 tui 4538 tun 4544 tuo 4547 wa 4558 wai 4564 wan 4567 wang 4584 wei 4594 wen 4633 weng 4643 wo 4646 wu 4655 xi 4684 xia 4725 xian 4738 xiang 4764 xiao 4784 xie 4808 xin 4829 xing 4839 xiong 4854 xiu 4861 xu 4870 xuan 4889 xue 4905 xun 4911 ya 4925 yan 4941 yang 4974 yao 4991 ye 5012 yi 5027 yin 5080 ying 5102 yong 5120 you 5136 yu 5156 yuan 5206 yue 5227 yun 5237 za 5251 zai 5252 zan 5259 zang 5263 zao 5266 ze 5280 zen 5285 zeng 5286 zha 5290 zhai 5310 zhan 5319 zhang 5333 zhao 5348 zhe 5358 zhen 5368 zheng 5384 zhi 5405 zhong 5448 zhou 5459 zhu 5473 zhua 5505 zhuan 5508 zhuang 5514 zhui 5521 zhun 5528 zhuo 5529 zi 5540 zong 5555 zou 5562 zu 5566 zua 5574 zui 5576 zun 5580 zuo 5582 } #-- Chinese Favorites - frequent characters or words that are proposed early array set tim_fav_cn { b 1827 d 2136 g 2486 guo 2590 h 2645 hai 2725 i 5027 ig {5027 2486} ji 2816 jintian {2981 4476} l 3343 m 3539 n 3667 r 4043 s 4239 shenme {4218 3520} t 4391 w 4650 wenti {4642 4466} y 5148 z 5258 zhongguo {5448 2590} zh 5366 zhe 5537 . 103 } # ------------------------------------------ jp: Japanese array set tim_tbl_jp { . 102 a 1601 ai 1605 an 1634 i 1642 ichi 1676 in 1684 u 1706 un 1730 ei 1736 eki 1756 en 1763 o 1787 on 1824 ka 1828 kai 1880 gai 1916 ko 1938 kan 2005 ki 2076 kyu 2168 kyo 2194 kin 2250 ku 2269 kun 2315 getsu 2378 ken 2379 gen 2421 ko 2435 go 2462 kyo 2482 koku 2581 kon 2603 sa 2619 sai 2638 san 2716 shi 2737 shu 2871 ju 2926 jo 2988 jou 3069 shin 3113 jin 3145 sui 3169 sun 3203 se 3268 sen 3271 son 3424 ta 3430 tai 3432 dai 3469 tan 3516 chi 3544 chu 3570 machi 3614 tei 3666 tetsu 3720 ten 3721 den 3737 to 3738 tou 3761 nai 3864 ni 3883 niku 3889 nichi 3892 nen 3915 no 3921 ha 3935 pai 3976 han 4028 bi 4083 hyaku 4120 pin 4142 fu 4152 bun 4212 hen 4248 hou 4279 hoku 4345 hon 4359 ma 4364 mai 4368 man 4392 min 4417 mu 4421 me 4460 mo 4446 mon 4468 ya 4474 yu 4491 yo 4535 rai 4572 ran 4580 ri 4588 ryu 4613 rei 4665 reki 4681 ren 4687 ro 4704 roku 4727 ron 4732 wa 4733 wan 4748 } array set tim_fav_jp { . 103 nihon {3892 4360} no 446 kuruma 2854 to 440 tokyo {3776 2194} wa 447 watashi 2768 } proc a2kana s { string map { cha \u3061\u3083 chu \u3061\u3085 cho \u3061\u3087 sha \u3057\u3083 shu \u3057\u3085 sho \u3057\u3087 kya \u304d\u3083 kyu \u304d\u3085 kyo \u304d\u3087 rya \u308a\u3083 ryu \u308a\u3085 ryo \u308a\u3087 pya \u3074\u3083 pyu \u3074\u3085 pyo \u3074\u3087 ka \u304b ga \u304c ki \u304d gi \u304e ku \u304f gu \u3050 ke \u3051 ge \u3052 ko \u3053 go \u3054 sa \u3055 za \u3056 shi \u3057 ji \u3058 su \u3059 zu \u305a se \u305b ze \u305c so \u305d zo \u305e ta \u305f da \u3060 chi \u3061 di \u3062 tsu \u3064 dsu \u3065 te \u3066 de \u3067 to \u3068 do \u3069 na \u306a ni \u306b nu \u306c ne \u306d no \u306e ha \u306f ba \u3070 pa \u3071 hi \u3072 bi \u3073 pi \u3074 fu \u3075 bu \u3076 pu \u3077 he \u3078 be \u3079 pe \u307a ho \u307b bo \u307c po \u307d ma \u307e mi \u307f mu \u3080 me \u3081 mo \u3082 ya \u3084 yu \u3086 yo \u3088 ra \u3089 ri \u308a ru \u308b re \u308c ro \u308d wa \u308f wo \u3092 n \u3093 a \u3042 i \u3044 u \u3046 e \u3048 o \u304a k \u3063 p \u3063 t \u3063 CHA \u3061\u30e3 CHU \u3061\u30e5 CHO \u3061\u30e7 SHA \u30b7\u30e3 SHU \u30b7\u30e5 SHO \u30b7\u30e7 KYA \u30ad\u30e3 KYU \u30ad\u30e5 KYO \u30ad\u30e7 RYA \u30ea\u30e3 RYU \u30ea\u30e5 RYO \u30ea\u30e7 PYA \u30d4\u30e3 PYU \u30d4\u30e5 PYO \u30d4\u30e7 KA \u30ab GA \u30ac KI \u30ad GI \u30ae KU \u30af GU \u30b0 KE \u30b1 GE \u30b2 KO \u30b3 GO \u30b4 SA \u30b5 ZA \u30b6 SHI \u30b7 JI \u30b8 SU \u30b9 ZU \u30ba SE \u30bb ZE \u30bc SO \u30bd ZO \u30be TA \u30bf DA \u30c0 CHI \u30c1 DI \u30c2 TSU \u30c4 DSU \u30c5 TE \u30c6 DE \u30c7 TO \u30c8 DO \u30c9 NA \u30ca NI \u30cb NU \u30cc NE \u30cd NO \u30ce HA \u30cf BA \u30d0 PA \u30d1 HI \u30d2 BI \u30d3 PI \u30d4 FU \u30d5 BU \u30d6 PU \u30d7 HE \u30d8 BE \u30d9 PE \u30da HO \u30db BO \u30dc PO \u30dd MA \u30de MI \u30df MU \u30e0 ME \u30e1 MO \u30e2 YA \u30e4 YU \u30e6 YO \u30e8 RA \u30e9 RI \u30ea RU \u30eb RE \u30ec RO \u30ed WA \u30ef WO \u30f2 N \u30f3 A \u30a2 I \u30a4 U \u30a6 E \u30a8 O \u30aa K \u30c3 P \u30c3 T \u30c3 - \u30fc } $s } #------------------------------ kr: Korean Hangul proc hanglish2uc hanglish { # convert a Hanglish string to one Unicode 2.0 Hangul if possible set L ""; set V "" ;# in case regexp doesn't hit set hanglish [string map { NG Q YE X YAI F AI R YA V YO Y YU Z VI F } [string toupper $hanglish]] regexp {^([GNDLMBSQJCKTPH]+)?([ARVFEIXOYUZW]+)([GNDLMBSQJCKTPH]*)$} \ $hanglish -> L V T ;# lead cons.-vowel-trail cons. if {$L eq {}} {set L Q} if {$V eq {}} {return $hanglish} set l [lsearch {G GG N D DD L M B BB S SS Q J JJ C K T P H} $L] set v [lsearch {A R V F E EI X XI O OA OR OI Y U UE UEI UI Z W WI I} $V] set t [lsearch {"" G GG GS N NJ NH D L LG LM LB LS LT LP LH \ M B BS S SS Q J C K T P H} $T] ;# trailing consonants if {[min $l $v $t] < 0} {return $hanglish} format %c [expr {$l*21*28 + $v*28 + $t + 0xAC00}] } proc min args {lindex [lsort -real $args] 0} proc hanglish args { set res "" foreach i $args { foreach j [split $i -] {append res [hanglish2uc $j]} } append res " " } foreach i { ga ggai nya yai dde lei mye byei bbo soa ssoai oi jyo jju cue kuei tui pyu hw wi di } {set tim_fav_kr($i) [hanglish2uc $i]} # end of tim #------------------------ Editor routines proc file:openif 0 {{w {fn ""}} { set ft {{Text .txt} {all *}} if {$fn eq {}} {set fn [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $ft]} if [string length $fn] { $w delete 1.0 end set f [open $fn] fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8 $w insert end [read $f] close $f wm title . "$fn - taiku" } } proc file:save
{w select} { if {$select || ![string match "* - *" [wm title .]]} { set fn [tk_getSaveFile] } else {regexp {(.+) - } [wm title .] -> fn} if [string length $fn] { set f [open $fn w] fconfigure $f -encoding utf-8 puts -nonewline $f [$w get 1.0 end-1c] close $f wm title . "$fn - iKu" ;# might have been saved under another name } } proc taiku:about {} { destroy .about; toplevel .about wm title .about "About iKu $::version" message .about.msg -aspect 1000 -text {\ Multilingual editor, Richard Suchenwirth 2002-3 Switch language with: menu Type pinyin/hiragana in lowercase, KATAKANA upcase Select favorite (yellow field) with: <Space> Select character from menu with: digit key 1..9, 0 Scroll the character menu with: Up/Down Enjoy: the power of Tcl/Tk!} eval pack [winfo children .about] -side left } proc taiku:favorites {} { set mode $::tim(mode) set alphabetic [expr {[lsearch {ar gr he kr ru tr} $mode] >= 0}] upvar #0 tim_fav_$mode fav destroy .favorites; toplevel .favorites set msg ""; set last ""; set newline "" foreach i [lsort [array names fav]] { append msg [expr {[string index $i 0]==$last? " ": $newline}] append msg [expr {$alphabetic? "$i:$fav($i)": "$i [dgb2uc $fav($i)]"}] set last [string index $i 0] set newline [expr {$alphabetic? " ": "\n"}] } pack [message .favorites.msg -aspect 500 -text $msg \ -font {{Bitstream Cyberbit} 10} -bg yellow] } #------------------------ demo and test if {[info exists argv0] && [ file dirname [file normalize [info script]/...]] eq [ file dirname [file normalize $argv0/...]]} { set version 0.3ce set msg "Welcome to iKu $version - \u6B22\u8FCE\u7528\u592A\u9177!" . config -menu [menu .menu] interp alias {} + {} .menu.file add command -label .menu add cascade -label File -menu [menu .menu.file -tearoff 0] + Open... -command {file:open
.f.t} + New -comm {.f.t delete 1.0 end} + Save -command {file:save
.f.t 0} + "Save as..." -command {file:save
.f.t 1} .menu.file add separator + Restart -command {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} + Exit -command exit .menu add cascade -label Language -menu [menu .menu.lang -tearoff 0] foreach i $tim(modes) { .menu.lang add radio -label $i -variable tim(mode) } trace variable tim(size) w { # There must not be a newline following the comment character # in the next line. .f.t config -font [list {Bitstream Cyberbit} $tim(size)] ;#} .menu add cascade -label Size -menu [menu .menu.size -tearoff 0] foreach i {8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15} { .menu.size add radio -label $i -variable tim(size) } .menu add cascade -label ? -menu [menu -tearoff 0] add command -label Favorites -command taiku:favorites add separator add command -label About... -command taiku:about pack [canvas .c -width 240 -height 80 -bg yellow] -side bottom pack [tim .tim -to .f.t -msg $msg] -side bottom -fill x pack [frame .f] -side top pack [text .f.t -font {{Bitstream Cyberbit} 10} -width 31 \ -height 10 -wrap word -yscrollc {.f.y set}] -fill both \ -expand 1 -side left pack [scrollbar .f.y -comm {.f.t yview}] -fill y -side right raise . if {[llength $argv]==1 && $argv!="{}"} { file:open
.f.t [lindex $argv 0] } bind .f.t <1> {set tim(menu) "line.char [.f.t index @%x,%y]"} wm geometry . +0+0 trace var tim(mode) w {tim_mode;#} }
Changes edit
PYK 2016-01-16: Fixed bug where a newline after ;# in a trace caused the items appended to the trace script to be interpreted as a command.}