Updated 2012-09-09 00:47:04 by RLE
What: The Babbleback Machine
Where: http://babbleback.sourceforge.net
Description: The babbleback machine is a program that continuously records sound from your PC's microphone and continuously plays that sound back after a delay. It is a fun, educational game for children as young as 6 months old. Inspired by Win Wenger's articles at http://www.winwenger.com/part27.htm and http://www.winwenger.com/feed1.htm
Updated: 10Jan2004
Contact: mailto:btheado@users.sourceforge.net Brian Theado

Source code removed from this page now that the project has its own website. See http://babbleback.sourceforge.net/cvs/babbleback.tcl for the code.

See also video babbleback machine.