[file separator] is used to determine the character used to separate file path elements for the current platform
Synopsis edit
- file separator ?name?
Description edit
If no argument is given, returns the character which is used to separate path segments for native files on this platform. If a path is given, the filesystem responsible for that path is asked to return its separator character. If no file system accepts
name, an error is generated.
[file separator] has been available since version 8.4.2. For previous versions the following
[proc]edure would provide equivalent functionality:
proc file'separator {} {
switch -- $::tcl_platform(platform) {
unix {return /}
windows {return \\}
macintosh {return :}
default {error "unknown platform"}
slebetman: The code code above supports Mac Classic. All recent versions of the MacOS identify themselves as unix.
See Also edit
- file
- file join
- file split